Vanir Character in Dawn Islands | World Anvil



Man's First Tensions

Vanir's first interests in men was in trade and deals- he blessed transactions and delighted in hidden meanings and unexpected consequences. Legends say he was in turns kind and cruel, acting to satisfy his latest whim. When divisions laced the original human people, fracturing them into smaller dukedoms, Vanir and his followers brokered deals and temporary peaces, preventing them from abandoing each other entirely. As the dukedoms came back together to form a unifed nation, Vanir wove his influence into those not chosen to rule. These he formed into an attempt at checks and balances on power, and though imperfect, and corrupt in their own way, they were often the only thing standing between the Emperor of the Shattered Lands and out right dictatorship.  

The Expansion

Vanir did not confine his influence to the Shattered Lands, even before The Expansion. He presided over Ahnk Dracas, and influenced trade and deals across Arda, though his infuence didn't particularly extend to the Dwarven Atol. When the Expansion was underway, Vanir focused his efforts at slowing the tide of the expansion, so that the invaded lands might have time to perpare themselves. Those efforts were cut short at the birth of his daughter, and the human expansion picked up tremendous speed. When it did, Vanir pitched his lot with the resistance, but was unsuccessful in defending those lands.  

Of Late


Worship & Priests

Honor among thieves is part of his code, but it's definitely double sided. A man who betrays the group is as damned as the group who betrays a man.



Daughter (Important)

Towards Vanir




Father (Important)

Towards Dreka



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