And Onward to the Dwarven Atol Report in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

And Onward to the Dwarven Atol

Now that the gang is back together, they planned their next actions. They were unanimous in wanting to leave Dom Vogson far beind (Tethrys voted to roast him). They planned to go to the Dwarven Atol, visit saints and maybe the volcano. The best way to enter the atol is from Tradesmen's Passing, and from their Murtagh wants to visit the raised forest. To disguise Bayleaf in dwarven circles, and on the seas if they're stopped, Bayleaf was going to act like an excentric, spoiled, rich Human on a tourism kick.   They stopped in Port Gretta for a brief visit, long enough for Murtagh to get Bayleaf clothes good enough for his ruse and for the group to do a little shopping.   Tethrys stopped in at Triton's Temple, let Father Jori look at Stormwind's hammer Murtagh bought pants, shirts, boots, jewlery, all the accessories for Bayleaf to act like a proper git, sticking to greens and blue. Guy stopped in at a mundane book shop, to add to his growing collection of odds and ends. Bayleaf stayed on the boat.   The trip to Tradesmen's Passing is roughly 1780 miles, and at full tilt the ship can travel 120 miles a day, so they estimated a 15 day journey. Theys set off, but within four days, it became clear that Guy's directions were leading them off in the wrong direction. They didn't find the Dwarven Atol, but they did find Aurbrek's Island. The island the party had earned stakes in back in Clearing the Emperor of the Waves.   Aurbrek was delighted to see the party. An absent minded man, he showed them around the small island, and then to the area he'd already carved out as their own land. He offered to organize the builders for whatever they want on their portion of the island, so long as they provide the capital. The party is free to pay in installments, but if they send money to Aurbrek at Port Greta, he'll be able to get it. Aurbrek will keep organizing as long as they send the capital- his is tied up on reneovating his side of the island.   The group decided they'd like to build a 4 bedroom house with a 2 butt kitchen, and a living room, and maybe ultimately a little village. Aurbrek estimated that might take 90 days, and 5,000 gp. The group gave a down payment of 2,5000.   After marking down the island's location, the group sailed on for Tradesmen's Passing. After 21 days of sailing, they arrive in Tradesmen's Passing.