Back in Investigation Mode Report in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Back in Investigation Mode

After their discussion with Vanir, the party had to decide what to do. They returned to the church, since Murtagh was still their praying. While waiting, Tehtrys saw guards carying lumber and building supplies towards the edges of the city, and Guy saw a cool blue bird with red underwings.   When they filled Murtagh in (Murtagh was again frustrated he didn't pay Vanir the ruby he owed), they had to make a new plan. They decided to split up and look for signs of the DFA and the skism. It was around noon then, so they decided to meet back in four hours by the church. Guy and Bayleaf would investigate the northern, human district. Murtagh would investigate the clan buildings and residential area, and Tethrys would investigate the craftsmen's buildings.   Tethrys investigated the workshops and garages of the craftsmen district. She had the eery feeling of being watched. Most of the walls seem to have been scrubbed of any graffiti, and she didn't find any obvious symbols.   Murtagh went to the Greatshaper clan house first, to send a message to Sabre Greatshaper and another to his mom, Aoife. The message to Sabre thanked him for his help. The message to Aoife said that Murtagh was doing a pilgrimidge, "things got a bit dodgy", and please don't be mad at Aunty Wol. He was able to talk to the clerk taking the messages, who spoke about the DFA attacks and "traitors" not signing onto the DFA.   Murtagh then traveled to the clan house for clan Runemace, to ask about spell scrolls. On the way he saw lumbar and tools stocked up at the end of the street. Guards would only say that they were acting on orders from the govenor, and to move along. He told the Runemace clerk, who appeared genuinely shocked and rushed away to tell his superiors. When he asked in at the other clan houses, each appeared shocked, and hastily started some sort of internal action. Murtagh was forgotten about at each clan house as they worried about their own affairs.   Bayleaf and Guy wandered with purpose around the human district. Walking with Bayleaf made Guy fairly unnoticable, and Bayleaf took the oportunity to show Guy some of his favorite things from back home. He ordered his favorite street food, and pointed out shrines and other familiar sights. He gave a small offering to Thoolir, who he described as 'the god of fuck bois'.   As they walked, they noticed piles of raw materials being built up on the edges of the city, and the tension in the air from the city guards.   When the four met back up at the church, they debriefed each other, still not sure what to do next. Bayleaf suggested trying to get recrutied by the DFA, but acknowledged that a human hanging around the group would likely make it hard for them all to be recruited.   As they were talking in the street, Guy Fieri noticed a figure watching them from a roof top a few streets over. He snuck away to get a closer look. When he did, he saw that the figure was Dom Vogson, and Guy fired his shortbow.