Brigid's Roots Report in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Brigid's Roots

Brigid's Roots is a city built in columns. Massive city blocks were carved from the rock, spanning from chiseled floor to sculpted cavern ceiling. It makes it hard to see very far, though most buildings have lots of windows to let in light from the enchanted street lamps that mimic a day/night cycle. The roads are marked with colored lines that radiate out from important buildings and districts. At street corners, angry priests preached fire and vengence, breaking when patroling guards wandered by, reluctant to pick any fight.   The group stopped in at the inn, where Seamaline decided to stay, since it was too easy to find trouble in this city. Murtagh and Guy Fieri headed to the Church of Mathair, since they still needed the paperwork to allow them into Mathair's Hearth. The priest at the front desk slid them the passes, muttering "I never saw you."   Spooked, the two rushed back to the inn to spend the night with Tethrys and Bayleaf.   In the morning, Seamaline lead them to another elevator service, and into the dead reamins of the Razed Forest. Melted tree trunks loomed against the sky line. The ground was cold and barren- no leaves layered the ground, no plant life grew among the dead. The old roads between different barns and silos still wound around the rolling hills and by the burned out remains of agricultural buildings.   Guy Fieri saw a flash of red in one of the burned out buildings and went to investigate, to see Brigid the Wonderworker again. She was sad and reflective, looking at the ruins.   She asked "Who are you helping?" Guy told her they were helping Dreka, the train goddess. "It's terrible, what's been done. A terrible means to a terrible end. I don't approve of her father, but no one chooses her parents. It would be good to believe you. You helped the monks, but it seemed more like a challenge for you. I'm not sure helping others was the point. Power is a terrible, important thing. I can't give it out lightly. Keep going- I hope you make it."   Brigid rounded a corner and was gone, leaving them alone again.   Seamaline brought them to the ferry, to take the party to Midway Island, the last leg of the journey before Mathair's Hearth.


"You're the ideas orc"- Guy Fieri