Captain My Ghost Captain Report in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Captain My Ghost Captain

Murtagh dragged Bayleaf back on board the Bristleshore, thoroughly chastising him for his "bad idea" that he actually acted on, and sent him below deck to dry off and warm up.   On the other ship, Guy and Tethrys tried to deal with both the very alive human prisoner, and the very dead ghost haunting the ship. The ghost named herself Magrat, the captain of this ship, her Dauntless, before it was taken by the humans and turned into the Privateer ship Great Alti's Hammer. Magrat showed Guy where all the ship’s ownership documentation was, both the humans’ and her own, in a secret compartment in the captain's cabin, and the humans’ Letters of Marque, authorizing them as privateers for the human empire.   The human survivor is a teenaged boy named Ozur Spiutsson, after he was Sparta Kicked a la Tethrys off the Dauntless, and fished out and rescued by Lash on the Bristleshore, effectively making the human survivor of their very illegal attack on the sanctioned privateer ship a "Lash problem."   Tethrys hopped ship to talk to Murtagh about the situation, and Guy stayed behind to 'take inventory' and spend time with the ghost he was very thirsty for. They found lumbar, food for four, and a heap of magic items.   Which is just, So Much magic items. Too many, even for a pirate ship.   When Tethrys brought Murtagh back to the Dauntless, the team discussed what they were going to do. They considered raising Magrat, but since none of them could use the True Resurrection spell scroll, and since Magrat was content to haunt her ship and sea, it didn't seem overly pressing. Murtagh insisted on staying with Lash and the Bristleshore, at least until Syllener as agreed. Tethrys insisted they keep the boat "because this boat is bitchin'." Strong point. They decided to keep the Dauntless and sail along with the Bristleshore as protection. The oars were ruined, but the sails weren't and Tethrys's storm powers would be welcome and useful off Bristleshore.   When they went to tell Lash, they found her worried about Everything. She had a human hostage, which was dangerous for non humans to have, and the kid, Ozur, was jumpy as hell. Murtagh tried to talk him down, which ended up just terrifying the kid even more. Lash did agree to keep the kid, and sail on their agreed route. She isn't happy to be handling the kid, but she also didn't seem to trust the team to be the one to handle the delicate situation.   As they sailed for Syllener, Guy forged some new documents for the Dauntless. The forged documents call the ship The Hammer, a suitably Imperial name for the ship, and place it in Bayleaf's name, as they were more likely to respect a human owner. The documents themselves were forged after a few tries (rolled a 20 for forgery), and Guy perfectly lifted the seal from the documents of Alti's Hammer and onto the forged ones (rolled a nat 20).   The old documents, humans’ and Magrat’s and the letters of marque, were stored in Magrat's secret compartment before landing in Syllener.   Syllener is a truck stop of a town, taking lumber out of the Drowned Forest and sending it along by ship. The crew paid their 20gp dock fees to stay, accepted their 2,000 gp from Lash, and spent another 330 gp for ship repairs, leaving 1670 gp to be split amongst them.

Rewards Granted

  • Human documentation of Alti's Hammer, the privateer ship, and letters of mark
  • Pre-imperial documentation of the Dauntless.
  • Forged documents placing the Dauntless in Bayleaf's name, as The Hammer

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