Continuing in Tradesmen's Passing Report in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Continuing in Tradesmen's Passing

At lunch in the Empty Chair, the group set out to make a plan to get to Mathair's Seat. Ever on topic, Guy Fieri took the chance to scan for Strange- and spotted a dwarf with curly red hair sitting at the bar, but tried to focus on what the group was discussing. They eventually settled on getting to Mathair's Hearth by land, not sailing. It would require less paperwork (although these were dwarves, so there would still be some paperwork). It would be less to forge, anyway. They would still need documentation from the church, not the occupying government, to allow them into Mathair's Hearth itself. That would be 1) Risky to forge, since dwarves take holy places very seriously and 2) safer to get, since it was from dwarves, and not the human occupation. Since they were going into the Atol via land, they would need to dock the Dauntless for an extended period of time, and for that they'd need a permit to keep the ship in long term docking, similar to in Port Greta. For that they'd need to go to the Governor's Mansion.   Since they all needed to apply in person for permits to Mathair's Hearth, the group went to the dwarf temple together. A priest named Brother Dafrol took information to start processing the paperwork, and encouraged Tethrys to consider a baptism in Mathair's Hearth. The paperwork would take a few days to go through, and they would be given a date range in which they were allowed to enter the holy city.   Itching for a wholesome fight, Tethrys steered the group to the Jaded Coinback, an inn known for its rough housing and general fight club attitude. They listened around, and the general argument for the day was some Shatterbraid installed some Greatshaper struts wrong and caused a tunnel collapse. No one was hurt, but the Shatterbraids were talking shit against the Greatshapers, who were talking shit about Shatterbraid installation. After a matter of time, the fight broke out properly and spilled out onto the street. Tethrys was able to join in for a fight, and ended up making a Brawl Buddy- Sabear Greatshaper, this area's clan leader for the Greatshaper clan. When they both had their fill of punch ons, Tethrys and Sabear sat down with the group and had a drink and a good chat.   Whilst Tethrys was having a punch on, Guy Fieri stole two spanreeds for his Small Things collection- one with a red beryl gem (known to match with the dockmasters in Tradesman's Passing) and one with a green peridot gem, with an unknown connection.   Having worn themselves out with wholesome crimes, the party retired for the evening to the Empty Chair. Early the next day, a smaller party, to not arouse suspicion, left to go get the permit needed to dock the boat. Bayleaf, the respectable human, Murtagh, the tourist dwarf, and Guy Fieri, the generally excited, made their way to the governor's mansion. Tethrys, the tired-from-last-nights-brawl, slept in at the inn.   Bayleaf leaned into his role as nosy tourist, asking the receptionist at the governor's mansion for the right paperwork and providing the (forged) documentation for the Dauntless’s ownership. With a strained if pleasant tone, the receptionist asked if these three were the total of the ships crew, and Guy Fieri helpfully volunteered that they also had an orc woman traveling with them.   At that, the receptionist asked them to wait a moment while she went to speak with someone in a back office. Murtagh panickly whispered that they might have given up too much information, but the receptionist came back quickly. When Bayleaf hastily made to make an excuse and leave, the receptionist send they’d send information to the Empty Chair for them.   The party had not mentioned which inn they were staying at.   When they rushed back to the inn to get Tethrys, they were stopped before going upstairs. The barkeep said a ‘friend’ had come looking for the group, but since they’d all left, the barkeep said they’d already gone to the governor’s mansion. He said the ‘friend’ would be back later to try and catch up for them, and left the name Dom Vogson.   Knowing they needed to leave the city immediately,Murtagh grabbed Tethrys and the rest, and hauled them to their best chance of escape- Sabear Greatshaper.

Character(s) interacted with

The Duantless is impounded- it's ownership documenation with the occupying government.


As an aside, this is the first time the party ignored my Heist Plans, but in fairness this was much much much funnier.