Disappearances in the Monestary Report in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Disappearances in the Monestary

They spent another evening in the monestary.   The next day, Guy went to go speak with the abbess again. When he got to her office door, he paused to listen in, and heard the report being given to the Abbess. They were talking about the monster retrieved from the tunnel. The recovered body used to be a Deepfoot dwarf, but something had transformed him into the monster the party fought. The dwarf was not a known clergy member, and the monster was no known thing, but the clerics were sure that whatever transformation occured was due to divine magic. Whatever this was appeared to be much more intense that previous cases they'd seen. The cleric giving the report referenced the Splintered Faction, which Guy deduced as the Dwarven Freedom Army sympathetic faction within the The Church of Mathair.   Tethrys and Murtagh went to talk to Friar Blackfall about the dissapearances from the workshops. Blackfall didn't think the dwarves who were missing were likely runaways- nothing was forcing them to stay, and they were free to leave whenever they liked, with aide to help them along the way. Six dwarves had gone missing in three to four weeks, often working in Warehouse Three, which focused on carpentry, textiles and book binding. Nothing connected the missing dwarves besides the missing location.   That night, they stayed by the crack, waiting for something to happen. Hours passed, until Tethrys decided the party should use her as bait. She went into Warehouse 3 to wait, pretending to work on a progress. The party waited outside, listening for signs of trouble so they could rush in.   Rising off a peg by the door, a leathery cloak floated into the form of a cloaker. The initial struggle muffled Tethrys's calls for help, as the cloaker began to smother her, but after knocking over a stool into a table, the party rushed in to fight.   The cloaker fight nearly took down Bayleaf, Murtagh and Tethrys, but the party was ultimately, loudly, succesful. Moments after it collapsed, clerics from the abbey proper rushed in, shocked and trying to help. They were carried to their beds


Murgath created an 8/20 small wooden version of the Dauntless. I just think that's cute.