Escape from Tradesman's Passing Report in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Escape from Tradesman's Passing

The party hurried to the Greatshaper house in the residential district, hiding from patrolling, though not yet alert, human city guards. They were greeted at the door by a stout dwarf lady who let them in without fuss, settling them into her kitchen (everyone with a drink) before going off to yell for Sabear. Sabear listened, clearly just woken up from sleep but taking the group seriously. He explained that as the Greatshaper representative, he could help Murtagh and his friends, but it would be likely cost more than just their dues; the bill would be sent to Murtagh’s family and not delay the help he could give. He planned to have them escape through Deepfoot tunnels, the deepest and least patrolled by humans, and from there go as far underground as they can, before crossing onto Mathair’s Seat. He left them alone to go negotiate with other clans for their escape.   After a few hours, during which time the party was fed, Guy tried to steal a pot lid, and Murtagh distinctly would not allow stealing from someone helping them, Sabear came back with their instructions. They were go go to the mine entrances, and look for a Deepfoot dwarf by one of the Deepfoot mine shafts, who they’d recognize by her older, more traditional style of dress.   The party hurried off, sneaking past more alert guards, and rushing into the central mine shaft station. Stairs led into the room, sunken deep into the ground, with vaulted glass ceilings to allow the last look of sunlight before diving deep below. Men in naval uniforms patrolled the area- the party made eye contact with a dwarf in the traditional looking robes, she stepped backwards into the mineshaft car and motioned for them to quickly join. They ran, alerting the guards but outpacing them, and once they were all inside the box, the dwarf slammed a lever, and the car dropped.   The guide dwarf’s heavy stomping boots had hooks she jammed into loops on the floor, but the rest of the party was left to cling to the railing as the minecart entered free fall, barreling dozens of floors underground, leaving the yelling humans far above. When the car finally barely slowed and then crashed into the underground, the guide shook her robes out and introduced herself as Samealine Icespike, the Deepfoot contact who would lead them as far underground as she could.   Samealine lead them hours down confusing tunnels, lit with glowing mushrooms cultivated into symbols and lines, to the small town of Beagcóm, where she left them for an evening in a small house she owned. She took off to clear the next part of the path, and encouraged them to have dinner and not draw too much attention to themselves.   Beagcóm was a very small town in a natural little hollow. There seemed to be some mining and smelting, some crops being grown. It was a mostly self sufficeinent village off a Deepfoot highway.   They got dinner at the only inn in the town- they drew some looks, since these were Deepfoot tunnels, and seeing not only not-Deepfoots but not-Dwarves was a rare thing indeed; but no one really pushed. A DFA sympathizer Oddic Icechin sat in one corner, stirring the pot a little, but for the most part people kept to themselves and didn't bother anyone.   Guy, of course, searched for Strange. At the bar sat a dwarf woman with curly red hair. When Guy pointed her out to the others, they coudln't see her.   A little spooked, Guy approached the very strange Strange. She introduced herself as Brigid (quickly implied to be Brigid the Wonderworker), and said a little birdie had mentioned the party was searching for something. She asked what the group was looking for (the Forgemaster's Tongs). She asked why they wanted it (because the humans want it).   "That's not the right reason. You need to know what you're doing before I will give them over. Ask some humans, ask some dwarves. Remember, it does'nt count unless you're helping someone."   And with that she left the bar.

Missions/Quests Completed

Information gathered for Finding the Forgemaster's Tongs

Character(s) interacted with