Finding the Next Job Report in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Finding the Next Job

Murtagh marched Bayleaf to the open air market, to get him some properly spiced food, before retiring back to the Wicker Goat for the evening. Pooling together collective knowledge, and Bayleaf's human knowledge, the group was able to puzzle out some of the information behind the Order of Acquisition   The hammer from the orders seemed to refer to Stormwind's Hammer. Stormwind's Hammer is associted with lightning, and shows up in stories during time of crisis. The latest stories place it in a desert. The bound seems to refer to the goddess Dreka, the goddess of Industrializaton and emerging technology, the patron of the rail system that spans the world, and to the gnomes the guardian of mad hat inventors.   One more visit to Captain Xendros, of the Faithful Quartermasters of Vanir to check on available magic items revealed no new scrolls, but there was a Staff of Insects picked up by Tethrys.   The party asked Xendros if she know any rumors about the artifacts they were after- after laughing off requests for information about mythical things, she said that if the Stormwind's Hammer exists, it's likely in the Waste. At least it was last seen there. But there are others out there, looking for it. She'll keep her eyes open, but she isn't on the party's side. The highest bidder is king.   The party retired to the Empty Nest, spotting two hot halfling ladies in the back, and a little knot of half orcs and half elves. While Guy Fieri flirts with the hot halflings in the back ("You think Guy Fieri doesn't give head?" - Jess), the rest of the party chatted with the half orcs and halflings. They were in town on a shp, and their captain is looking for hired muscle between here and they're next few stops. The captain could tell them more- she's on the Bristleshore.

Rewards Granted

Tethrys acquired a Staff of Insects Guy identified the poison they were carrying as Wyvern Poison