Frida Northridottir Character in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Frida Northridottir


Frida is the sucessor to two previous govenors, both of whom were assassinated. She views her role as advocating for the dwarves within imperial structures, and tries to get them as much fredom as possible, make sure core needs are met, while not overplaying her hand and getting replaced by the Empire. The secular human govenrment loves her for bringing relative stability, but she's made enemies in the Church of Alfadir who would love to see her replaced.

She's also been spoken down to by the Oracles, and so she refuses to pass along information, and stays away from their buissness.
Frida has a secretary named Snadgraid Runetoe, of the Runemace clan. Snadgraid is devoted to Frida, and does his best to act as a defence against hostility, and makes sure Frida remembers things like eating and sleeping.  
After the fall of Mathair's Hearth (The Sound of Bells), Frida has been arrested and returned to the Shattered Lands


Imperial Govoner of the Dwarven Atol   Frida has been at the post for 7 years, and attempts to balance the internal civil unrest against the citizens needs, especially in the tumultuous capital.