Heart to Heart Time Report in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Heart to Heart Time

Lyra, Guy and "Connal" sat down for dinner, but decided not to discuss plans without Murtagh. They headed for bed, found the food untouched outside their door, but the door itself unlocked. Murtagh and Lyra went in and to bed, bringing the food in so it wasn't wasted.   That evening, Guy and Lyra dreamed of sinking into the ocean, herds of horseshoe crabs, and moving towards an underwater castle. Guy heard the familiar voice of Brine say "I think I found it", and Lyra heard an unfamiliar voice ask "Who are you?".   In the morning, the entire party woke up together. Murtagh had tea ready for all of them, ready to talk. Lyra took a moment to message Wave Watcher. "Hello again! Still not dead, at our inn with the stuff you might want. Ok bye!" And received "Stay safe, Little Friend." She prayed to Yavanna that morning as well.   Murtagh has brought a basket of breakfast to take out as a picnic, starting with "So I fucked up yesterday, I don't think I'm doing well. My mom yelled at me in my brain." They had a good heart to heart- Guy apologized for not noticing, and Lyra offered "Do you want me to yell at her in her head?"   Guy asked "How can we make your today ok?" Murtagh decided to take the day to go do more shipwright stuff, and didn't think going back to Yola's was a good idea. He asked the others to send along his appologies.  
Murtagh: I did lock you out of the room.   Lyra: There's plenty of tree.
  When Guy said "I forgive you. You are good", Murtagh sobbed.   They sat for a while with their good breakfast, before Murtagh went to the docks to work for the day. The others went to Yola. Salvage let them in when seeing that Murtagh was not with them. "People who yell at my wife- not welcome."   Guy busked outside the cafe, and they returned to dinner at the inn. Over the next six days, Murtagh worked at the docks, Guy busks, and Lyra revisits the library to find more info on horseshoe crabs and found some things about Ægir and Ambar. She found that horseshoe crabs are a sign of healing and protection, but not much else.   Finally, Yola was able to present her findings, before which Lyra gave her a 50 gold tip.  
Ok, so keeping in mind I haven't been able to look at the Fire or the Claw so I'm mostly going off lore for these, so like. A measure of doubt on this.   But.   If you were trying to destroy a binding, these would make sense.   I mean, think about it sort of like how you'd try to break like, actual chains. You'd want to heat them enough to be malleable- or in this case, you'll pump it full of magical energy to destabilize it. The Fire would do that; it's basically infinite, deadly power. You'd need to be able to hold this… magical entity in place against a sturdy, immovable force. The gloves should be able to pull the chains into a material being, and the anvil is literally designed to just absorb force. And then introduce sudden force to break the structure apart, with the hammer. Hammer, anvil, tongs and fire. It's almost simple, if you squint.  
- Yola
  Yola agreed to keep the findings from being published for eight months, and to credit the party under aliases- Lyra as "Purple Gumdrop, Yola Friend", Murtagh as "Nameless Anonymous Supporter" and Guy as "Tony B."   Lyra seemed delighted by these findings, claiming "That's only like, two things." Yola then laid out some extra benefits to the items she studied.