Inside the Warehouse: The Fire Wheel Report in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Inside the Warehouse: The Fire Wheel

The party regrouped on the steps of the water wheel. Some rough math determined Statue Bimble weighs around 175 lbs, which was quickly made irrelevant. Lyra cast Lesser Restoration several times over Guy, dismissing his Fools Midas Touch and making his grass hair fall out, and then used one of her prayer beads to cast Greater Restoration on Statue Bimble. ("I told you it would be ok!" - Lyra, moments after refusing to explain anything, seconds after fixing everything).   Bimble was immediately confused and upset- glad to see his son, but confused why he was here, and where 'here' was. When Guy insuinated that, for safety, Bimble should not know their ultimate goal, Bimble dropped it immediately, trusting totally in his son's judgement. He greeted all Guy's friends warmly, glad to be with them until they could all collectively get Bimble home.   Without any other real leads, the party wandered further into the maze, trying to find the mysterious Garden Wheel. After finding several staircases, several other sigils, they found a larger room with a fire braiser in the middle. From this room, that they entered from the west, there was a door in the north, that was locked, behind which they could hear the loud noise of gears, and a door to the south that was not locked.   They decided to go through the south door- here the floor was a weird series of grates, but it seemed sturdy, and able to hold their weight. As they got further inside, the door behind them locked, and fire started spouting from the floor grates. The party rushed forward, finding the hallway turned into a twisting maze, forcing the party to dart in and out of the flames.   With speed, luck and dexterity, they quickly ran through the maze and out of the fire, into a large wheel room. There were two doors set into the west wall, both locked. A wheel, like the one from the Water Wheel, was set into the floor. They turned it together, stopping the wheel's gear, and unlocking the two doors.   They tried the door closer to the sourth west, and found... skeletons. They easily dispatched the stumbling skeletons. Guy tried the next door, sneaking forward to check the way, and making many-eyed contact with a beholder.   Guy tried sneaking back to the party and shutting the door, only to turn around and find the beholder opening the door.

Character(s) interacted with

Guy's Dad, Bimble Fieri, is an active member of the party.


Guy's Effects:   Cleared, our dude is good