Last Day at the Monestary Report in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Last Day at the Monestary

The next morning, the party woke up to find food already brought into their room. The party split up for the last day they had in the monestary.   Tethrys went and spoke to Friar Blackfall, to talk about theology, and recieved an Extreme Teen Dwarf Bible.   Guy spoke with the Abbess. The Abbess explained that the creature from the tunnel was certainly divine in origin, and since the token tying the creature links it to the DFA, the situation is bad. She asked Guy and the party to speak to the human goverment in Mathair's Hearth. If the DFA is as powerful as suspected, it could put a lot of civilians in danger, and the human occupation is best situated to counter them.   Murtagh and Bayleaf spent a few last hours in the workshops, where Murtagh started whittling chess peices.   Seamaline arrived, having finalized the next few legs of their journey. After making their goodbyes, Samealine brought them further down the tunnel, and after many confusing turns, to a rudimentary mine cart station. She made sure everyone was strapped firmly into each cart, then climed into the last cart herself and said "don't forget to hang on".   Seamaline detonated an explosion behind the last minecart, rocketing it forward at top speed up the track, rising up closer to the surface at top speed. When it slowed and then stopped, it was feet away from another station, as Seamaline clearly expected. "Fastest way to Brigid's Roots" was her explaination.   The last half hour walking to Brigid's Roots, Seamaline warned the party to stick to their own rations. A massive food shortage had increased tensions in the area, and seeking any of their own out would likely lead to trouble.