Leaving Abbey Island Report in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Leaving Abbey Island

Having looted the Winding Ways, the party was absolutely ready to get out of the trap ridden maze. More traps were found along a suspected way out, but was revealed to be a dead end once Guy Fieri fell into a pit trap, left at 1 HP after the previous traps and the treasure room fight.   The party took a short rest before sneaking out of the Winding Ways, back into the Meditation Room that had the secret door to the winding ways. From the meditation room, they could see into the main room, where the acolyte they'd knocked out was seated at the communal table, with Bayleaf, Ogmund and Ozymandius, who seemed to be comforting the acolyte. Two temple guards stood at the foot of the stairs, directly between the party and the exit.   Even after the short rest, the party was limping and badly damaged, so thinking quickly, Brine stumbled from the mediation room, claiming they had been "attacked on the way to the bathroom." And while Brine's explanation was shaky at best, seeing that room had already been searched and there was no place to hide 5 hearty adventurers, Tethrys's dramatic swooning and Murtagh's well placed fake feinting, Ozymandius seemed at least confused enough to push past the whole issue and kick the party out in the morning. Over Ogmund's loud, angry protests, the party was sent to their room, and a guard was placed on their door.   An hour before sunrise, the party heard some yelling and sounds of a fight- the noise abruptly cut off after a minute, and the party spent the next hour arguing about what to do, until their guard opened their door. Bayleaf ushered them out, and lead them up the stairs and out of the basement in a hurry. They could see blood, signs of a fight, by one of the room doors, but the party didn't stop to ask. When they had all put some distance between themselves and the ruined Abbey, Bayleaf let the party known that Ogmund had tried to kill Ozymandius in the night, but was killed in turn by a guard.   It must be noted here, as we spent no small time on this point, that Bayleaf is a hottie, and a registered DILF.   By the time they reached the beach, they still had to wait a few hours for Major Ursa to come back; he couldn't stay off the coast all night waiting for them. While they waited, Guy and Murtagh made sandcastles, Brine mediated, and Tethrys zapped stuff with lightning cantrips. Major Ursa picked them up, thrilled to see them again. When asked who Bayleaf was, Ursa cheerfully accpeted Guy's "He's our Hotman".   On the ride back, Murtagh became horrified at Bayleaf's culinary experience- apparently learning that humans primarily boil vegetables and use salt and pepper was Too Much.   Back at Major Ursa's lighthouse, chock filled with treasures and trophies from his time as a mariner's guild officer. He brought out food, clearly made before he set out for them, and made sure they could eat, drink, and get tucked into his guest beds upstairs. He asked interested, non-prying questions about their time on the island, and was genuinely surprised that there were any survivors left after the pirate attack.   The party went to bed, exhausted after being awake for so long, and in the night felt a wonderous improvement with their abilities- as though they leveled up their game.   Over breakfast the next day, another large hearty affair provided by Major Ursa who was simply thrilled to have guests, the party decided to go to the town by the lighthouse to try and get a ride back to Saltmarsh, where they'd let the Mariner's guild decide what to do about the struggling priests of Alfadir. "There was a plan, I wasn't listening to." - Guy Fieri   Before leaving, when Guy asked Major Ursa for a small fishfork to remember him buy, Major Ursa rummaged around and pulled out a small rock with a fish's skeleton imprinted on it. Ursa insisted Guy take the fossil to remember him by, since they were now good friends.   In town, the party asked general store owner, a middle aged halfling woman who recognized them immediately as outsider, if there was a way they could get a ride down the coast. She offered to find them a young elf who was looking for a bit more adventure than a small town provided- she closed early, shooing them to the town tavern while she went out on their behalf. After an hour, she came back with Aymon Everleaf, a young, gangly looking elf who agreed to take them south for 20 gp.   The trip with Aymon took about a day, and they reached Saltmarsh around noon. After a quick stop to get Bayleaf a kabob at the open market, and a quick liquidation of the items found in the temple, the party reported to the Mariner's guild. Gus Gus, the clerk, was thrilled to see them and immediately brought Dain to meet them.   Dain was clearly dissapointed there were survivors on the island, and after asking the party not to tell anyone about what they found, gave them their full reward.

Rewards Granted

Cashed in 4 bolts of silk and the gems/jewlery