Library & Strategy Day in Rivvenastorp Report in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Library & Strategy Day in Rivvenastorp

"Do inns get full here? Ain't y'all gnomes?"
- Murtagh
  Around 4pm, the group left the library to go find an inn for the evening, leaving the books they'd found with the librarians.. They recalled several inns spotted on their way from the train station to the library, and headed off to the Unknown Stone Inn.   Over dinner of venison pie and mystery soup, the party discussed possible researchers for hire. They want to focus on the objects and how they interact with each other, and then find a way to leave the Free States. Lyra also wants to ensure that what they're doing fop Dreka will not undermine the religious interests of the Forged.   Lyra recalled the protective deity of the Gnomish Archipelago, though not in great detail. Enough to point out that convincing a ship to leave the area will be difficult if they are not already going. Ship captains. Some captains will already be planning to leave, so bartering passage there is more likely, but will also be pricey. It was something like 500 gold when Guy last did it.   They agree to consult Yola Quietfiled Togglewander Salvage-friend (she/her), Tanrose Thistlecollar Pipplezopple (he/him), and Steeple (he/him). They will consult the researchers in the evening, and do local work in the evenings. The library staff was able to give the party the addresses of the researches they wanted, and a librarian, Martin, volunteered to walk them (Murtagh, Guy and Lyra) around to the researchers.  
"I am thinking recipes silently; I know I can say too much out loud."
  They first visited Yola- who seemed a little flustered to have people interrupting her dinner, but also genuinely interested in investigating opportunities. She hurried them out, agreeing to meet for a consultation the next day, at 10 AM, at the coffee shop across from Yola's house.   Martin then guided them over to Steeple's commune- recommending local food (and places to stay away from), and his favorite tea shop.   Steeple's commune building has a large, open bottom floor with several stations set up for machine repair, metal fabrication, and one desk covered in books and research materials.   Steeple agreed to do a consult with them in the moment, feeling out if this would be part of his pro-bono work for forged sociology. Lyra asked if freeing Dreka, in theory, would freeing Dreka cause theological issues for the Forged, with Guy taking a gamble and explaining that they think they can free the trapped goddess. Steeple's immediate reaction was underwhelmed - he mentioned that most Forged go through a phase of railing against the injustice of their goddess's imprisonment, and did not seem to take their claims seriously. After listening to them for a while, he agrees to set up a meeting between the group and a Sentinel, who apparently arrived in the city that day. He claims the Sentinel does a better job of explaining the theology.   After leaving Steeple, Martin brings them to Tan Rose, who lives in a little cottage sandwiched between tall wizard towers. Tan Rose did not agree to let them in, speaking to them through a crack in the door. He agrees for them to come back the next day for a consult, before quickly closing the door on them. Martin brought them most of the way home, leaving them when they knew the area, and heading off for his own home.   While Lyra and Guy were going on this tour with Martin, Murtagh and Bayleaf head towards the docks on the far side of the city. It takes them a while, but do find their way to the Port. A cleric, Miles, adds Murtagh to the list of the guild members who are available for work, and let him know that he should report to the docks in the morning on days he wanted to pick up work. Bayleaf, as a non guild member, is allowed to take up day labor job, but the money is not exceptionally good. He is allowed to busk, though.   When they all met back up at the bar, a metal band of a forged singer, a dwarf drummer and a gnome guitar player were rocking out for the crowd. Lyra did fire effects for the drummer, who loved it and leaned in, but could not pick Lyra out of the crowd.

Character(s) interacted with

Yola Quietfiled Togglewander Salvage-friend (she/her)
  • Purple frizzy hair, thick warm cardigan
  • Married to her spouse, Salvage
  • Excited to do the work, but don't want people around in her house in the evenings
Tanrose Thistlecollar Pipplezopple (he/him)
  • Ooold old man; squints a lot
  • Wizened old man voice
  • Does not like surprises or unannounced visitors
Steeple (he/him)
  • Works in a forged Commune space
  • Academic but likes the mechanic's workshop environment
  • Anxious when talking about the library or his mum
  • Happy to talk about local food and tea recommendations
  • Helpful to a fault