Pit stop in Port Greta Report in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Pit stop in Port Greta

At Syllener, the team had to decide where to go next. Lash left within a day, as her ship took on less structural damage to be fixed, but the Dauntless and company were there for 3 days, repairing the damage.   The options were Maenus, a long-distance port connecting Arda to the outside world, and Port Greta, a smaller port used to funnel people into the Fields of Amnestria, and connecting the food from the Fields of Amnestria to the greater Human Empire. They ultimately decided to go to Port Greta for its closer access to the Waste, where the team has heard Stormwind's Hammer apparently lies.   The trip to Greta should have taken two and a half days, perhaps 3, but with the novice sailors, being directed by Captain Magrat, the journey took around 5 days. They arrived at Port Greta around noon on the fifth day. The dock fees are 5gp per day. Bayleaf acted as the owner and captain of the boat, dealing with the deputy dockmaster and paying their fees for the day.   The crew decided to explore Port Greta, taking Bayleaf with them as their human cover. The area near the docks had a much denser human population, between the navy stationed there before moving along the food trade route, and the human merchants relying on naval protection. Further from the docks, the original elf and halfling presence. They stopped at a restaurant advertising itself as Authentic Halfling cuisine, but after being seated by a human and looking around at the few human patrons, they gathered the place was at least owned by a human. The menu was primarily vegetarian, salads and sandwiches, with an emphasis on mushrooms. No soups, and the friendly teenaged waitress insisted they not ask—apparently the chef was Very Anti Soup. After getting their food—very good, clearly the chef was a halfling—and briefly meeting with Chef Remi, they moved on to try and find more information.   They stopped in an elvish odds and ends shop and spoke with Vanya Brythana. Guy picked up a deck of marked cards, and asking a bit about the situation in Port Greta. Vanya seemed unwilling to outright bad mouth the humans, but the older lady clearly remembered the time before, and seemed to miss the older times.   Finally, the crew returned to the boat to plan where they'd go from here. They decided to leave the ship in long term storage, a bit further inland, with Bayleaf, and take the ferry south. The ferry would take them to a trade hub, where there are trains inland and guides would be found to take them into the waste. Even if they didn't decide to go with the guides, they might be useful to talk to for tips in the hostile environment. They also thought before leaving the next day (their dock fees were good until noon the next day), it might be worth looking to history books or the Temple of Ægir/Triton for any background information.   The team also decided they stan their Ghost Captain Magrat, and their Race Traitor Bayleaf. For good measure.