Research with Yola Report in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Research with Yola

The party regrouped back at the Unknown Stone Inn for dinner. Murtagh got filled in on their research preliminary findings, and they considered having Bayleaf busk for some spare gold, maybe with some of his giant slaying tunes.   The next day, they planned to split up again, Lyra and Murtagh going to see Yola with the Hammer of Storms, and Guy and Bayleaf busking near by for coin (Bayleaf going by the name ''Connal'' while in the area).   That evening, Guy dreamed of sinking into the ocean, down into the depths until his feet touched the bottom of the floor. A herd of giant, five feet tall horseshoe crabs cantered over a distant hill, and in the distance, a shinning palace compound glittered just on the edge of vision. In the distance, he heard Brine call out "Guy!"   In the morning, Lyra messaged Wave Watcher:  
Lyra: "Good morning! We're still alive and have the artifacts at the inn! Okay bye!"   Wave Watcher: "Good morning, little friend. Keep safe, hope to hear from you soon."
  At breakfast, Guy told the others about his dream, reluctantly agreeing perhaps dreams are important. Then they set off.   Guy played the pan flutes, and Bayleaf sang about the 82nd Giant Infantry, changing some of the words.   Murtagh and Lyra headed off to speak work with Yola for the day, bringing her favorite drinks from the coffee shop across the street. She started work the moment she got her hands on the staff, making notes of it's arcane signatures and auras on her increasingly cluttered chalkboard. She was distracted, and after a few hours when Murtagh broached the topic of publishing, she did not pay full attention at first. She mentioned the timeline would be around six months before publication, but she'd be willing to push it out to eight months. Murtagh pushed for a more indefinite wait, and then for several years, which Yola refused to agree to. Frustrated, Murtagh took the staff and paid for half a day of Yola's time.   Yola, clearly devastated to lose the research opportunity, stiffly told the party to leave, standing protectively before the notes she'd already taken. Lyra made sure to leave an extra 10gp for Yola's trouble, promising to try and talk to Murtagh.   Murtagh went straight back to the inn, not stopping to wait for the others. Lyra filled Guy and "Connal" what had happen, all of whom agreed that Murtagh was acting rashly, and that the needed Yola's results. The three went to get Yola's preferred coffee, pastry, and a tea that the barista said her spouse, Salvage, particularly liked the smell of. They returned to Yola with their peace offerings, apologized profusely, and let Yola know which inn they were in, and that they'd try to return. Salvage insisted that Murtagh was not welcome in their home anymore, and the others agreed immediately.   Guy and "Connal" spent the rest of the day busking, and Lyra went on a search for good pastry shops fit for hard conversations. She got lemon cupcakes and lavender scones, and looked for but did not find a shop that would sell a flotation device.   The trio tried to have a talk with Murtagh, who refused to come out of their room. They retreated to the common room for dinner.