Stage a Little Civil Unrest Report in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Stage a Little Civil Unrest

The party faught with Dom Vogson briefly, before he vanished from view. Tethrys investigated the area where Dom Vogson was lying in wait, and found a bluish powder she saw frequently when investigating in the craftsmen district.   They needed a new plan. Bayleaf went to find his own rooms in the human district, and the trio went to scope out the DFA proper.   They entered the Drunken Pea first, and after a bit of persuasion they were pointed in the direction of a DFA contact, who in turn told them to check out the Rebell Huntress.   At the Rebell Huntress, Murtagh talked loudly, and in some degree earnestly, about how angyr he was at the state of the Razed Forest. The talk attracted a young dwarf who called himself Noaren, who offered to take them to a sympathetic priest. They were lead through the city long enough that they got a little lost, and eventually lead to a waterside warehouse. From there, Noaren took them into a basement, where an ancient robed priest waited.   The priest had a braided beared and scored, scared palms. He spoke in a raspy voice and called himself Father Trueson. Trueson told them that they were joining the right side- the Mother abhored the human occupation, and it was their moral obligation to rise up against their occupiers. Traitors to dwarf kind would try to stop them, and those traitors needed to be tossed out with the invaders.   When the party asked what they could do to help, Father Trueson told them to wait for the signal. When they recieved the signal- they'd know it when it came- they were to take up arms against the governor's guards, and anyone else who might stop them. They would take back their home country, and restore the proper order.   When they agreed- most as a lie, Tethrys in earnest- Father Trueson took their head in his hands and muttered prayers and blessings over them. The left into the night air, knowing they needed to talk through whatever their next steps would be.