Tradesman's Passing Report in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Tradesman's Passing

First thing's first- the group disguiesed Bayleaf, on the basis that since he's a human, the Empire was more likely to have a good description of him circulating. Bayleaf was dressed up in the clothes Murtagh got in Port Greta, actively trying to make him look and act like an excentric human out on holiday. The group made sure to have him ask slightly tone deaf questions about local food and sights. After paying 10g to dock for 3 days, and asking for an inn recomendation, they headed to the Empty Chair. The way there took the party through the merchant district of Tradesman's Passing. Dwarven cities tend to seperate out the trade district from the crafts disctict, and here is no exceptions. The center of the city has a trades plaza, where temporary stalls and carts sell goods. Just on the edge of the plaza is the temple to Mathair and the occupying Govenor's Mansion- between the two buildings is where most beurocratic work is done. Murtagh took the time to browse and haggle here, noting that the temporary stalls eached had an insignia of a dwarven house (overwhelmingly Greatshaper, since Tradesman's Passing was in Greatshaper territory), but also some subtle signs of the Dwarven Freedom Army. He bought a rug at one of these, trying to subtly find out more information on the DFA, but wasn't able to learn anything useful. The party decided that first - they want a pass to dock on the inner island, in order to get ot Mathair's Hearth, and they could use Bayleaf as a cover to "see the temples", and second - they wanted dinner. So they headed to the Empty Chair to settle in.