Admiral Ursagor

Terror of the western sea and pillager of the the Dawn Lands. This pirate has roamed for many years, raiding when he can, trading when he is not able to raid. His motives and reasons are his own, but it is known that he is not likely to pass up a good deal or a chance to make some coin.


Volstag Martokson


Towards Admiral Ursagor


Admiral Ursagor


Towards Volstag Martokson


Relationship Reasoning

The unlikely companionship between Volstag, the lawful good dwarven prince, and Ursagor, the neutral evil pirate captain, is a tale woven from threads of circumstance and character. Their journey together began unexpectedly. Over time, a peculiar dynamic emerged.   Ursagor, the cunning and ruthless pirate, found in Volstag a shield. The prince's noble bearing and unwavering adherence to the law provided a veneer of legitimacy to the pirate's exploits. Initially, this was a mere convenience, a means to an end. But as the years passed, a begrudging respect, perhaps even affection, bloomed between them.   Volstag, the idealistic prince, saw in Ursagor a troubled soul adrift. The pirate's sharp wit, unmatched skill, and undeniable charisma were tempered by a darkness that the prince believed could be illuminated. With a mix of paternal concern and unwavering faith, Volstag became Ursagor's unlikely mentor, guiding the pirate towards a less destructive path.   Their journey together has been far from smooth. Countless disagreements have erupted, their differing moral compasses clashing like ice and fire. Volstag's insistence on justice and honor often collided with Ursagor's pragmatic approach to problem-solving. Yet, through these trials, their bond has deepened, forged in the crucible of shared experiences.   It is a testament to the complexities of human (or in this case, dwarven and human) connection that such an unlikely duo could endure. Their friendship is a paradox, a living contradiction that defies explanation.


What is an NPC

If you’d like to play, but want to reduce costs, then you can sign up as an NPC or Monster. If you choose to play as an NPC or monster, you may be given a role (perhaps more than one). You can specify a combat or non-combat role. You don’t have to choose a class and culture as an NPC, we will choose one for you. You will receive double experience points, standard starting gold, and are eligible for Royalty Points. You will also get an entry at half price.


Monsters, NPCs, and Staff allow the LARP to run smoothly and help players who don't know exactly what they want to play, or that want to help, and/or need help with discounts to take part in the LARP.

The BIG Difference

between an NPC and an Adventurer is that an NPC’s primary job is to help the story move forward and to help players. NPCs fill jobs like healers, essential townsfolk roles, etc.


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