Aftermath of the Meeting at Skrattafell

After witnessing the assassination of King Volstagg during the feast at Skrattafell in the name of the Demon Lord Orcus and Clan Gren many of the Dawn Land adventurers and peoples were taken aback and confused. The dwarves of Clan Gren have denied any allegations associated with King Volstagg’s death and are making preparations to send some of their kin into the Faewyld in order to help find the needed components to help the Temple of the Seven Moons and the Temple of the Morrigan resurrect him. Word of an opened portal to the Faewyld has spread - some believe that the Wild Hunt brought back old magic into the lands and allowed for it to be accessed again. There is another rumor among certain groups that there is an item located in the Faewyld that could help defeat the Demon Lord Orcus and the army of undead. The Raven Queen has sent some of her own to assist the adventurers brave enough to enter the Faewyld.


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