Meeting at Skrattafell

Diplomatic action

4/4 17:00
4/4 18:00

The Norse village of Skrattafell hosted a meeting of all the Dwarven clans and their leaders. The goal was to achieve peace and, hopefully, elect a king for the Dwarven Alliance of Clans. Representatives from other cultures and nations were also present, most notably Sergeant Brannith Marius of the Imperial Reman Republic. Prince Silverboar, representing the faraway Kingdom of Solara, also spoke about the pressing need for peace and economic recovery.

The Norse village of Skrattafell hosted a meeting of all the Dwarven clans and their leaders. The goal was to achieve peace and, hopefully, elect a king for the Dwarven Alliance of Clans. Representatives from other cultures and nations were also present, most notably Sergeant Brannith Marius of the Imperial Reman Republic. Prince Silverboar, representing the faraway Kingdom of Solara, also spoke about the pressing need for peace and economic recovery. The Yarl of Gardar, Steinolfsson, hosted this event at his picturesque Norse village of Skrattafell, nestled deep within the forested mountains of the north. A lavish feast was prepared, and all the representatives, adventurers, and local people were seated. Much debate and discussion ensued. Notably absent was Baron StrĂ¼sel, leader of Clan Gren, who was instead represented by Mousse Gren. Prince Volstag Martokson, son of the former King Martok and deposed king himself, stepped forward to speak.   In the middle of his speech, Prince Volstag was assassinated by a servant who shouted, "For Orcus and Clan Gren!" This act of violence abruptly ended the meeting as guards and adventurers gave chase to the assassin.

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