
Born amidst the crimson hues of a blood-soaked battlefield, Bloodbriar was no ordinary Redcap. Her mother, a particularly ferocious chieftain, instilled in her a ravenous hunger for conflict and a chilling disregard for life. From a tender age, Bloodbriar reveled in the chaos of battle, her small hands as adept with a dagger as they were with a rattle.   As she grew, so did her legend. Tales of her ferocity spread like wildfire through the Redcap clans. Her prowess in combat was unmatched, her thirst for blood insatiable. It was said that the color of her hair deepened with every enemy slain, a living testament to her carnage.   Her path led her to the Winter Court of Queen Mab, drawn by the promise of endless conflict and the intoxicating chill of the Fae realm. There, she found a kindred spirit in the Queen's embrace of chaos and death. Bloodbriar quickly rose through the ranks, her loyalty to Mab unquestionable, her ferocity a terrifying asset.   Her hatred for mortals, especially humans, is a burning inferno within her. She sees them as weak, pathetic creatures, unworthy of life. This loathing is a constant companion, fueling her bloodlust and driving her to ever greater acts of violence. In the heart of winter, amidst the frozen landscapes of the Fae realm, Bloodbriar is a force of nature, a crimson storm, a harbinger of death.


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