The Winter Court of Mab: Cold, Darkness, Death

Adjectives: noble, cunning, elusive, well-mannered, spiteful, vengeful, charming, feral, cold, stoic, secretive, mysterious, illusions    Queen Mab (Queen of Air and Darkness - Winter and Autumn) is the Queen of the Winter Court. Those in this court are known as the evil or malevolent faeries by humans. The word itself means unhappy, unlucky, or cursed, which reflects the nature of this court. They are often chaotic evil, out for themselves, and lack empathy for their victims. They are more powerful in the autumn and winter and at night or a new moon. It is thought that in some lore, the Winter Court enjoys the darkness of humanity - especially our darker emotions (greed, lust, gluttony, jealousy) and feeds off of those emotions and energy.    Queen Mab is ruthless, but always good to her word. Her main goal is to maintain the balance between the two courts and to protect the Faewyld from outsiders. Because of this, the winter fae are often viewed as being viscous, cruel and hard, like winter itself. She believes in reason, logic, and the supremacy of the mind and behaves accordingly. She is often viewed as emotionless, fierce, cruel, harsh, and having a cold demeanor. She is a creature of great hatred, though she can be compassionate - however, such a display is seen as weak, so it will not be displayed often.  Queen Mab should not be underestimated. Those foolish enough to betray her will always suffer a fate most terrible.   Deals arranged with this court carry a degree of risk as most winter fae are cruel, emotionless, and often ruthless. Others can be sly and mischievous, but with a hint of cruelty. Fae from this court need not be offended to take action against others. The Winter Court isn’t always malevolent, but they’d rather not help humans or outsiders. This court is also known to not lie, but they do equivocate and use ambiguous language to conceal the truth. Not all fae found in the court are cruel and malicious, like the infamous Kringle and Mother Winter, but they can be hard to find.    The Winter Knight: ruthless and powerful, cold and calculating, deadly, determined and tenacious. He guards the court and the frozen lands of winter. Their power comes from Queen Mab. He is an extension of Queen Mab's will and does any task that his Queen may not have time for.


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