Clan Black Root

Thordic Strongfellow was a prince to his people, and well liked by those that followed him. He was a strong Viking warrior, and everyone relied on his berserker strength to win many battles, and skirmishes. A Jotun attack on his village left him broken, and beaten, but not dead. He was found by a Reman Cleric that nursed him back to health, and he came to realize he was the only survivor of his clan.   Vowing vengeance against those that brought him more pain than he ever thought possible he set his sight on becoming strong enough to make them hurt more than they hurt him. Along his journey he has saved lives, made friends, and though this he has started to rebuild the family he lost during the Jotun attack.   Though he is cheerful, and shares his tales with others. Deep down his heart still aches for what was taken from him, and when he needs it that is where his rage comes from. Protecting his friends, keeping those he cherishes save is what matters most, and he will give his life to never see his new clan be decimated like the one before.


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