Clan of the Wondering Crows


The roads of the Dawnlands are often dangerous for travelers, and so the Clan of the Wandering Crow provides safety and resources for those who have befriended the crows and know what signs to look for. Officially a mercantile guild, the clan deals in trade of both coin and secrets and takes merchants and wayfarers alike.   The Clan of the Wandering Crow was founded by a small group of merchants who wished to avoid the unfortunate fate of robbery, murder, and other hazards while on the road and in the marketplace. Together, the clan has created a series of safehouses, resource caches, and provides armed protection should the need arise for the members. The “underbelly” of the guild deals with information and secrets, blackmailing and bribing what cannot be avoided with honeyed words or an armed guard.   In return for its assistance, the clan only asks that you repay what you can and be ready to offer help should the crows call upon you.  


Lumi Willow (Elf Plague Doctor | Liege Lord)   Osbert Withers (Emerald Folk Scholar, potentially Commander when switching to combat.)   Cass Donotpet (Satyr Bard)   Koshka Donotpet (Catfolk Hedge Witch)   Miqote (Catfolk Rogue)   Koe Mournhoof (Satyr Necromancer)   Adam (Character name pending)

All gold to the house All secrets to the crows.

Clan of the Crows Rogue's Tag


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