Council of Long Beards

The Council of Long Beards has been the cornerstone of governance in the Dwarven Alliance since its inception. Formed during the Great Unification, when the scattered dwarven clans came together to face common threats and embrace mutual prosperity, the council was established to ensure that the voices of all clans were heard and represented in the decision-making process. The council is composed of the eldest and wisest dwarves from each clan, both male and female, who are chosen based on their experience, wisdom, and contributions to dwarven society.   The Council of Long Beards plays a crucial role in the selection of the king, guiding the kingdom according to the Creed of the Gemstone, and making decisions that affect the entire Alliance. Their deliberations take place in Nar'a'shay, the heart of the kingdom, where they meet to discuss matters of state, religion, trade, and defense.


Current Members

Thrain Stonefist Clan: Ironforge Role: High Protector Description: Thrain is a battle-scarred veteran known for his unparalleled strength and strategic mind. He oversees military operations and ensures the kingdom's defenses are robust and prepared for any threat. Bolka Deepdelver
Clan: Goldvein Role: Master of Mines Description: Bolka is a seasoned miner and geologist, responsible for managing the kingdom's mining operations. Her expertise in locating and extracting precious resources is invaluable to the Alliance's economy. Grundinnar Hammerfall
Clan: Stoneheart Role: Keeper of Lore Description: Grundinnar is the guardian of dwarven history and traditions. He oversees the preservation of ancient texts, artifacts, and the teaching of cultural heritage to younger generations. Thora Silvervein
Clan: Silverbeard Role: High Priestess Description: Thora is the spiritual leader of the dwarven faith, guiding the community in religious practices and maintaining the temples dedicated to the Dwarven Pantheon. Durin Fireforge
Clan: Embermane Role: Master Smith Description: Durin is a legendary blacksmith, renowned for his exceptional craftsmanship. He leads the forges of Nar'a'shay, producing the finest weapons and armor for the kingdom. Hilda Ironfoot
Clan: Stronghammer Role: Ambassador Description: Hilda is a skilled diplomat, managing relations with neighboring realms. Her tact and negotiation skills have secured numerous trade agreements and alliances. Kargan Darkbrew
Clan: Deepaxe Role: Master Brewer Description: Kargan oversees the brewing operations, ensuring the production of high-quality ale and spirits, a vital part of dwarven culture and trade. Eldrin Frostbeard
Clan: Frostforge Role: Warden of the North Description: Eldrin is responsible for the security and management of the northern territories. His knowledge of the harsh mountain environments is crucial for the survival and expansion of the kingdom.


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