The Emerald Council of the Magick Arts

There are three schools of magick in the Emerald Lands. They are located in the towns of Armskirk, Biarniton and Myrefall. A school was not built in the capital city of Lullin, this was done to reduce any accusations of political interference regarding the Counsels activities or rulings it may make. The Counsel acts as administrators over all three schools. Each month the Counsel spends one week residing at one of the schools where they will hold meetings with the practitioners in the area and preside over any disputes or hearings that may arise.   Each school is staffed and operated by one of the three Orders. The school in Biarniton is run by The Order of the Emerald Dawn. In Armskirk, The Order of the Emerald Heart is in charge and in Myrefall The Order of the Emerald Moon runs the school. All three schools teach a uniform curriculum in all disciplines of magick. Each school also contains a library that is stocked with copies of the same books so that any traveling practitioner will have access to the same materials no matter which school they are visiting.   Each school also holds a secure depository of magick items reserved for use in study and research. Each school also holds special relics that have been locked away for public safety or for use only in times of dire need by the kingdom due to their power. These special relics can only be accessed by members of the Counsel and only if one member of each Order is present.   Those that wish to become a student at any of the schools must pay a tuition and pass a series of tests to determine if they have the potential to become a practitioner of the magick arts. Once accepted into the school the student will spend an average of three to five years in study and apprenticeship before graduating and becoming a "Member in Good Standing" within the Order they have trained under. They are then set free to travel the world in search of new knowledge to bring back home to the school.   A Member In Good Standing can access any of the schools for lodging when traveling, use of the library and has access to ingredients needed for potions, charms or spells at half the current market value. Members of an Order are required to teach at the school once they reach a proper level of mastery in thier field of study for at least one year. Members of an Order are also required to add to the knowlege of the school by reporting new findings from their travels or contributing items they have collected that may be of use to the school or Kingdom. Other rules and requirements of Order membership are kept secret by each Order and revealed only to its members.


The Council
The Council is composed of two represenatives from the three orders of Magick in the Emerald Lands. The Orders are, The Order of the Emerald Dawn, The Order of the Emerald Heart and The order of the Emerald Moon. Represenatives sit on the Council for a period of three years then must step down. New represenatives are elected by a vote of that Order's members. Rules are voted on by the six members of the Council only after those rules have been reviewed and voted upon within each of the Orders by thier entire membership and ratification by the Council.


Within the Emerald Lands a Council was formed long ago to preside over all things regarding Magick and its' uses within the lands of the Emerald Folk. It is well known that many Emerald Folk have a distrust of Magick, and it was due to this distrust that the Council was assembled and tasked with promoting a positive outlook toward the perception of Magick and those who use it. To attain this goal the Council created a "Standard of Practice" that dictates where, when and how Magick will be used in the Emerald Lands. The Council also established schools to teach the Magick arts and the rules of the land to any who desire to learn them. When practitioners from other lands first arrive, they should present themselves at the nearest school where they will be informed of the rules regarding the use of Magick in the Emerald Lands.

Tenets of Faith

The rules are fairly simple ones to follow and focus on keeping down suspitions among the general populace reguarding Magick and the ones that use it. These rules are set forth to protect both the public and the Practitioner. Any disputes regarding the rules will be brought before the Council for review and judgment. The judgment of the Council is the final and must be obeyed. 1. All matters pertaining to the Orders will be kept private and not revealed to the general populace. 2. Magick will not be used on or against citizens of the Emerald Lands without their express consent unless it is in the defense of a life. This includes spells, potions, charms, amulets and wards that target a specific person or persons. This also includes spells, potions, charms, amulets and wards that have the potental to do mischif/harm to a citizen. 3. Magick will not to be used on or around livestock without the express consent of the owner of said livestock. This rule is set forth to put to rest the notion that a cow's milk turning sour, ahen refusing to lay, and so forth, was caused by a Practitioner's hex. 4. Magical items, such as scrolls, potions, amulets, charms, ect. will be registered with the Council. The name of the owner, along with powers and effects of the item will be recorded.


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