Evli Rumondel

In the depths of the twisted forest of Shadowfell, where darkness danced beneath the moonlit branches, there lived a mysterious figure known as Evli Rumondel. With alabaster skin, piercing black eyes, and a cloak as black as midnight, she was a Shadar-kai, a unique breed of dark elves touched by the essence of shadow and unconditional follower of the Raven Queen.   Rumors whispered through the villages, tales spun by wide-eyed storytellers, of Evli's incredible powers as a shadow sorcerer. It was said that she wielded the very essence of darkness, bending it to her will with the flick of a wrist. Her command over the shadows was so potent, it could freeze the bravest warrior's heart in fear.   But beneath the brooding exterior of this mysterious figure, there stirred a deep restlessness within Evli's soul. Born a wanderer, she had traversed realms unknown, seeking solace in the forgotten corners of the world. Her insatiable hunger for adventure led her on a path scattered with secrecy and enigma.   One fateful night, as the moon glimmered through a thin veil of clouds, a desperate plea echoed through the forest. It was a cry for help, carried on a chilling breeze. Curiosity sparked within Evli's black eyes, and she followed the haunting voice, its source hidden in the depths of the woods.   Venturing deeper into the heart of Shadowfell, Evli stumbled upon a hidden clearing, bathed in an ethereal glow. There, before her, lay a wounded creature unlike anything she had ever laid her eyes upon. It was a fey creature, its wings torn, and its body trembling with pain.   With a gentle touch, Evli tended to the creature's wounds, her shadowy magic intertwining with the delicate healing arts. As gratitude shone in the creature's eyes, it revealed itself to be a faerie guardian named Lumi. In a voice as delicate as the rustling leaves, Lumi recounted a tale of an ancient artifact, the Fey Crystal, stolen by a wicked wizard.   With the Fey Crystal in his possession, the wizard's power grew unchecked, threatening to plunge the realms into eternal darkness. Now, Lumi sought Evli's aid in retrieving the crystal and restoring balance to their shattered world.   Drawn by the allure of the unknown and fueled by her insuppressible thirst for adventure, Evli agreed to help Lumi. Together, they embarked on a perilous journey through treacherous landscapes and encountered formidable foes. The duo faced cunning goblins, elemental guardians, and even the vengeful spirits of the forgotten woods.   In their darkest moments, Evli's shadow sorcery blazed forth, transforming the very fabric of darkness into a weapon of resolute light. Each page of their epic odyssey turned with breathtaking intensity and moments of heart-stopping danger.   Finally, Evli and Lumi stood before the wicked wizard, his eyes glowing with malevolence as he clutched the Fey Crystal tightly in his grasp. A fierce battle erupted, the clash of magical forces rending the air, as Evli channeled the essence of shadows into an extraordinary display of power.   But just as victory seemed within their grasp, a plot twist materialized, unraveling everything they thought they knew. In a shocking revelation, the wizard's true intentions were exposed. The Fey Crystal was merely a pawn in a much grander scheme, and Evli's role in the twisted game was far from over. The wizard was after the goddess. Evli must warn the Raven Queen.
Find Evli's merchant booth at our next event.


We sell crystals, minerals, fossils, herbs, novelties and more!

What is an NPC

If you’d like to play, but want to reduce costs, then you can sign up as an NPC or Monster. If you choose to play as an NPC or monster, you may be given a role (perhaps more than one). You can specify a combat or non-combat role. You don’t have to choose a class and culture as an NPC, we will choose one for you. You will receive double experience points, standard starting gold, and are eligible for Royalty Points. You will also get an entry at half price.


Monsters, NPCs, and Staff allow the LARP to run smoothly and help players who don't know exactly what they want to play, or that want to help, and/or need help with discounts to take part in the LARP.

The BIG Difference

between an NPC and an Adventurer is that an NPC’s primary job is to help the story move forward and to help players. NPCs fill jobs like healers, essential townsfolk roles, etc.


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