Heroes by Proxy

The one I have been traveling with the past couple years is my partner. They are lost, or at least that’s how I addressed them after a confusing first interaction and it seemed to have stuck. I first met lost as I was preparing to take on a quest to kill a large arachnid. I’m not going to lie I was quite frightened. I don’t do well with spiders, and when lost stumbled across me preparing they seemed to notice my fear. They asked if they could join me and seeing as I needed the help I accepted the offer. I was very skeptical at first of their potential skills, but the moment we came to face the creepy beast, my assumptions were quickly corrected. Their accuracy with their bow was pin point for the arrows that were launched. Once the spider started to charge both of their blades were drawn in a flurry of frantic energy and unpredictability. I leapt in as well and with only a few blows the monster was felled. After the fight, almost as if it’s just instinct, they looked at me with a sorrowful smile and began to walk off. I asked where they were going and they replied with a simple “I don’t know. Somewhere new.” I asked if they would be willing to join me as I was already heading somewhere new. A look of confusion washed over their face. I now know that their appearance often times brings people concern or fear but being a half orc - half elf myself I understood the mistrust of someone new who looks different. They accepted my offer and we have been traveling together ever since. I know our reasons for going to a variety of places are different, but at least we keep each other company along our journey


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