Journal entry of Dirva Thunderstone

Journal entry Spring 8213 The Temple of the Seven Moons has given me a mission to escort Ambrose Tarquin to the city of Sylvanus. My job is to make sure he remains unmaimed. The High Priestess Utia has asked us to be her eyes and report any suspicious activity. I have heard rumors in the temple about strange activity throughout the world “Something is coming.” The High Priestess Utia spoke about a vision, the vision gave guidance that if the time comes, it is my duty to help bring justice to the villagers of Sylvanus. I was told, till that happens to remain lowkey. I find this to be difficult since I am traveling with the elf child Claire. Claire’s bruised elven ego has put us in a few unwanted situations causing more attention to be driven our way. We joined a few other travelers to help us blend in, a Cat Folk Hedgewitch and an Elven soldier. Claire heard rumors of a fallen elf kingdom nearby and wanted to visit to see if anything could help with her amnesia. To our surprise an elven staff was found. On our way back to town a group of bandits attacked our party and took the staff. We later found that they were hired by a Tiss noble named Lady Caliopy Von Houz. Now that I have a name, she has been written in my book of grudges. The time came when the villagers rose up to fight for their justice and I fought for the people. The appointed Reman governor Count Orlock is dead and the people of Sylvanus are free. During the post battle hours the Tiss noble Lady Caliopy Von Houz rose and took the place as mayor in town. We must leave to report what has transpired. Dirva Thunderstone


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