Kaurak Kholzill

It stands upon the ledge of a sheer mountain face. Resting 6,000 feet above the valley floor on the aster side of Mount Arachnos. The majority of the castle's structure lies underground. Two great gray granite doors guard the only entrance allowed to non residents.   Once inside you may gain access to the mines of Kaurak, named after the founder Kaurak Gembright, founder of the castle and legendary dwarven miner. He stumbled upon the fruitful mine when surveying Mount Arachnos over two centuries ago.   There is also a hidden rear entrance to the mine that few know about. This is hidden in the woods beneath the mountain. At one time this was constantly under guard but now that Kaurak Kholzill lies empty there is no one left to guard it.
Owning Organization


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