The Alliance of Dwarven Clans

The Alliance of Dwarven Clans, commonly known as the Dwarven Alliance, is a formidable kingdom nestled in the Northern Mountain range, often referred to as the Dwarven Mountains. This region serves as a crucial crossroads, linking the realms of the Greeks, Remans, Dawn Landers, Norse, and Emerald Folk. The Alliance has thrived for millennia, with its origins tracing back to a time when the various dwarf clans were scattered and often at odds with one another.   In the face of external threats and the lure of mutual prosperity, the clans united under a common banner. This union was formalized through the establishment of a council of Long Beards, elder dwarves of each clan, who select a king to rule the Alliance. This council system ensured that the interests of all clans were represented and fostered a sense of unity and shared purpose among the dwarves.


The Dwarven Alliance is ruled by a king chosen by the council of Long Beards. These elders, both male and female, are selected from each clan based on their wisdom, experience, and contributions to dwarven society. The king, once chosen, must abandon his clan name and represent all dwarves equally, embodying the unity and strength of the Alliance. The king's reign is guided by the Creed of the Gemstone, a strict set of rules and principles that govern his conduct and legitimacy.


Dwarven society is deeply rooted in tradition, with strong emphasis on crafting, mining, and military prowess. Dwarven craftsmanship is renowned throughout the lands, producing some of the finest weapons, armor, and jewelry. Their mines yield precious gems and metals, fueling both their economy and their smithies.

Foreign Relations

Situated at a strategic crossroads, the Dwarven Alliance engages in extensive trade with neighboring realms. Their crafted goods, especially weapons, armor, and jewelry, are highly sought after. Diplomacy is handled with a mix of pragmatism and honor, maintaining alliances and trade relations while ensuring the security and prosperity of the dwarven people.


The Creed of the Gemstone The king's reign is guided by the strict principles of the Creed of the Gemstone. These rules govern his conduct and legitimacy.   Key Tenets:
  • Health and Vigor: The king must be in perfect health, free from all diseases, both normal and magical. Battle scars are acceptable, but must not impair mental or physical abilities. Controlled or beneficial magical diseases may even be considered a strength.
  • Battle-Hardened: The king must have proven bravery and tactical skill in at least one battle.
  • Impartiality: The king must set aside clan affiliations and rule impartially for the benefit of all clans.
  • Trial by Combat: If the Council of Long Beards cannot unanimously choose a new king, or if multiple worthy candidates emerge, they may call for a trial by combat. This contest is overseen by the Council and a neutral judge. The combatants agree upon the terms of battle, which must be approved by the Council.

Cosmological Views

The dwarves of the Alliance follow the Dwarven Pantheon, with their faith overseen by Moradin, the Grand-Father. Torag, his son, is revered as the father of the dwarves and the god craftsmanship and protection. Other deities in the pantheon include:
  • Angradd: God of war and fire.
  • Bolka: Goddess of marriage and home.
  • Droskar: God of toil and duty.
Temples and shrines dedicated to these gods are found throughout the kingdom, where dwarves seek blessings for their endeavors and honor their deities through rituals and ceremonies.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
The Dwarven Alliance
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Legislative Body
The Council of Long Beards
Judicial Body
The Council of Long Beards
Official State Religion
Related Ethnicities


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