
In the realm of the Dawn Lands, amidst the Dwarves, Elves, Emerald Folk, Greek, Dawn Landers, Norse, and Remans there exists an ancient tale shrouded in mystery, weaving through the annals of time—the origin of Krampus, a figure both feared and revered.   Legend has it that in the midst of a bitter winter, when the lands were plagued by darkness and strife, a powerful being emerged from the ethereal crossroads where the realms of fae, spirits, and mortals intersected.   Krampus, as he would later be known, was neither wholly fae nor purely mortal. He embodied a fusion of ancient spirits, drawing from the depths of the wild and untamed energies that flowed through portals of Shiandria. His form was a manifestation of the collective fears, hopes, and uncertainties of the people—a testament to the harshness of the environment and the resilience required to survive within it.   Initially, Krampus was a solitary wanderer, navigating the realms unseen and unheeded. But as the chaos in the Dawn Lands surged, he sensed a shift in the delicate balance between light and darkness. It was then that he chose to intervene.   In the midst of a harrowing blizzard, when despair seemed at its peak, Krampus emerged from the shadows, bearing gifts of wisdom and challenge. He became a harbinger of trials, testing the mettle of individuals by leading them through treacherous trials that mirrored the struggles of the land itself.   The people of the realms, both mortals and those attuned to the mystical energies that permeated their world, whispered tales of encounters with Krampus. Some spoke of his visage as a fearsome horned figure, draped in tattered robes, while others painted him as a spectral presence, barely discernible in the swirling mists.   As time passed, Krampus’s essence became entwined with the fabric of the Western Continent. He was revered as a guardian of balance, challenging the complacent and empowering the worthy. His presence during the winter solstice became a time of reckoning—a period when mortals faced their deepest fears and embraced their inner strengths.   Throughout the continent, the legacy of Krampus endured, evolving through retellings and interpretations that intertwined with the tapestry of the many cultures. Some regarded him as a cautionary tale, a figure to ward off misfortune, while others saw him as a guide through trials—a reminder that strength often emerges from facing the shadows within and without.   After many centuries roaming the realms of the continent Krampus returned to the Never Never. There he came into contact with the Morrigan, she was leaving her realm of the Shadowfell and establishing her new court in the Dawn Lands. It was then that he knew true dark beauty. He vowed to serve her and defeat her enemies if only she would take his hand in marriage. Unknown to Krampus the Raven Queen was fleeing a centuries old war with the Demon Lord Orcus. Krampus has vowed to fight for his queen, but he still awaits the wedding ceremony.

Divine Domains

Punishment, Fear, Testing, Trials, Tribulation, Growth, Winter, Misbehaved Children, and the Hickory Switch.


The Black Bundle of Switches

Holy Books & Codes

Be good to your parents, honor your word, punish those that break rules so that they may learn.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A fistful of switches clenched in a fist over the head of a horned beast.

Tenets of Faith

Obey your mother and father


Winter Solstice and Galad

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Bring punishment to all that are naughty
Divine Classification
Multi-pantheon Deity
Lawful Neutral
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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