
Nestled high in the rugged peaks of the Ironheart Mountains, the dwarven town of Nalbadar stands as a majestic testament to the resilience and devotion of its inhabitants. Bathed in a moderate climate that fosters the growth of mid-sized yet strikingly beautiful trees, Nalbadar is both a sanctuary and a stronghold. At its heart lies the grand temple of Torag, the largest and most revered temple to the Dwarven pantheon on the continent. This architectural marvel, carved from the very bedrock of the mountains, dominates the skyline with its intricate stonework and towering spires. The town itself is a bustling hub of dwarven culture and craftsmanship, where the echoes of hammer on anvil mingle with the hymns of the devout, creating a harmonious blend of industry and spirituality.


99% Dwarven, 1% other


Ruled by the Dwarven Imperial Alliance of Clans.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Shrine Home
Owning Organization


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