
Nar'a'shay, the illustrious capital of the Dwarven Alliance, stands as a beacon of unity, strength, and tradition within the rugged expanse of the Northern Mountains. Nestled deep within the craggy peaks, the city is a marvel of dwarven engineering and architecture, seamlessly blending with the natural rock formations.


The city's architecture is a testament to the craftsmanship and ingenuity of the dwarves. Massive stone buildings, intricately carved with runes and depictions of legendary dwarven heroes, line the cobbled streets. The structures are both functional and aesthetically pleasing, showcasing the dwarves' unparalleled skill in masonry and engineering. At the heart of Nar'a'shay lies the grand hall of the same name, where the king and the council of Long Beards convene to govern the kingdom. This central hall is an imposing edifice, with towering pillars and vast chambers adorned with banners representing the various clans of the Alliance.


Life in Nar'a'shay is a harmonious blend of tradition and progress. The city's inhabitants are proud of their heritage and work diligently to uphold the values of the Dwarven Alliance. Festivals, feasts, and communal events are common, strengthening the bonds between clans and fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.
Nar'a'shay is not just a center of governance and culture but also a stronghold of military might. The city's defenses are formidable, with thick stone walls, watchtowers, and well-trained guards ensuring its security. The Golden Hammers, the elite personal guard of the king, are stationed here, ready to protect the heart of the Dwarven Alliance at a moment's notice.


The city's bustling markets are a hub of activity, filled with merchants trading finely crafted weapons, armor, jewelry, and other goods. Nar'a'shay's strategic location at the crossroads between the Greeks, Remans, Dawn Landers, Norse, and Emerald Folk facilitates a thriving trade network, bringing wealth and diversity to the capital. The forges of Nar'a'shay are renowned across the realms, producing some of the finest metalwork in the known world.
The center of the Dwarven trading networks, all rouds in the area lead to Nar'a'shay. From there their is also a well engineered, nearly straight, road east to the capital of the Reman Imperial Republic, New Rome.
Owning Organization


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