Raven Darkwood

Raven Darkwood, a mysterious figure cloaked in black, emerged from the back allies of Thazia, drawn to the ethereal beauty and enigmatic allure of the Dawn Lands. Little was known about Raven's origins, save for the whispered rumors that trailed in his wake like shadows dancing in the moonlight. Born into a culture steeped in ancient wisdom and arcane mysteries, Raven was a wanderer by nature, traversing distant lands in search of enlightenment and adventure.    Arriving amidst a celebration in the town of Hammer Home, Raven was greeted with both curiosity and suspicion by the inhabitants of this enchanted realm. Yet, as the festivities unfolded and the people welcomed him into their midst, Raven's keen senses detected a lurking menace beneath the surface—a plague, spreading its tendrils of darkness amidst the nations and cultures of the plans area.   Determined to bring hope to the people and combat the looming threat of the plague, Raven donned the garb of a plague doctor, a symbol of both protection and perseverance. Raven embarked on a quest to find a cure for the ailing inhabitants of all the nations.   Drawing upon his knowledge of ancient remedies and the healing arts passed down through generations, Raven delved into the depths of alchemy and herbalism, seeking out rare ingredients and mystical elixirs rumored to hold the key to salvation.   Yet, as the plague continued to spread and the shadows deepened, Raven's resolve never wavered. Driven by a sense of duty and compassion, he remained steadfast in his quest to bring light to the darkest corners of the Dawn Lands, knowing that within the heart of every shadow lies the potential for renewal and rebirth.   And so, amidst the whispers of the wind and the soft glow of dawn's first light, Raven stands as a guardian of hope and a harbinger of healing in the enchanted realms of the Western Continent. With his unwavering determination and boundless compassion, he continues to strive for a brighter future for all who call this mystical land their home.
Lawful Neutral

What is an NPC

If you’d like to play, but want to reduce costs, then you can sign up as an NPC or Monster. If you choose to play as an NPC or monster, you may be given a role (perhaps more than one). You can specify a combat or non-combat role. You don’t have to choose a class and culture as an NPC, we will choose one for you. You will receive double experience points, standard starting gold, and are eligible for Royalty Points. You will also get an entry at half price.


Monsters, NPCs, and Staff allow the LARP to run smoothly and help players who don't know exactly what they want to play, or that want to help, and/or need help with discounts to take part in the LARP.

The BIG Difference

between an NPC and an Adventurer is that an NPC’s primary job is to help the story move forward and to help players. NPCs fill jobs like healers, essential townsfolk roles, etc.


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