Summer Knight

Margan Wayn was a child of sunshine, born amidst meadows bursting with wildflowers and bathed in the golden glow of summer. Unlike the fey creatures who reveled in mischief, Margan possessed an earnest kindness and a spirit that resonated with the nurturing energy of the Summer Court. Queen Titania, ever watchful, saw in Margan the potential for a champion who embodied the court's benevolence.   One fateful afternoon, a blight swept across the land. Crops withered, flowers drooped, and a sickly chill settled over the meadows. It was the work of a rogue ice elemental, a creature of the Winter Court who sought to disrupt the delicate balance of the seasons. Margan, witnessing the devastation, knew he had to act. With unwavering courage, he confronted the elemental, his pleas for reason falling on deaf ears. The ensuing battle ravaged the land, leaving Margan battered and defeated.   Just as all hope seemed lost, Queen Titania intervened. The ice elemental was banished, but Margan lay mortally wounded. Unwilling to lose such a valiant spirit, Titania offered a chance at redemption. Margan would become the Summer Knight, Titania's champion, forever bound to protect the summer's vibrancy.   Margan awoke, revitalized yet forever changed. His connection to the Summer Court granted him the power to heal wounds, coax life from barren soil, and manipulate the warmth of the sun. However, a sliver of winter's frost lingered within him, a constant reminder of the battle's toll. The once carefree Margan now shouldered the weight of responsibility, forever vigilant against those who would threaten summer's bounty.   The Summer Knight is a symbol of resilience and growth. Margan walks the land, a beacon of warmth and life. He fosters harmony between the Summer Court and mortals, using his power to mend wounds and cultivate prosperity. Yet, beneath the surface lies a warrior's spirit, ever ready to defend the vibrancy of summer against the encroachment of winter's chill. Margan's story is a testament to the delicate balance of nature, and the unwavering courage it takes to protect it.  


Culture: Fae
Class: NPC Knight
APR: 2
Hit Points: 8
Attack: by weapons
Summers Gift: Immune to entangle.
Summers Shield: The Summer Knight’s shield is immune to all magic.
Healing Touch: Lay hands on allies to mend wounds and restore health.
Piercing: Due to the Summer Knights quickness and agility all weapons are piercing.
Regeneration: The Summer and Winter knight both heal at amazing speeds. Once an encounter is over they heal completely to full and recover from any spell effects.


Fae: Cold Iron reduces the Winter Knights APR to 0.


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