The Summer Court of Titania: Fire, Earth, Light

Adjectives: noble, renewal, warmth, honorable, charming, bright, brilliant, relentless, strong, arrogant, stoic, aggressive, wrath   Queen Titania (Queen of Life and Light - Spring and Summer) is the Queen of the Summer Court. Seelie means happy, lucky, or blessed. These fae tend to interact more often with humans and are known to be friendlier of the two courts - seeking help as well as helping, warning those who have accidentally offended them, offering alliances, and returning human kindness with favors of their own. That doesn’t mean they don’t avenge insults or aren’t prone to mischief. They are more powerful in the Spring and Summer and during the day or a full moon. It is Queen Titania’s duty to keep Queen Mab’s power in check and to protect humans from the Winter Court. While she doesn’t have Queen Mab’s numbers when it comes to forces, she can still destroy her. She often follows the wisdom of the heart.   Queen Titania can be vengeful, if necessary - especially if you’ve broken one of the Rules of Hospitality while in her court. While the fae found in this court can be good and friendly, that doesn’t make them any less dangerous. Her court is the perfect example of the whimsical natures of the fae - they love adventures and partying between dusk and dawn. They are more often to show kindness to humans who obey their laws and can be quite warm and hospitable, loving even. These are the fae that like to return kindness with favours of their own - most often with gifts of food, good health and fortune, and even being saved from dangers.   They are also more light hearted in their pranks, not always realizing what harm they are doing. The fae found in this court do not lie, as that’s considered to be terribly rude, they can omit information or details as they see fit - and they like to leave clues through riddles that would take some time to decipher.    The Summer Knight: valor and victory, courage and cleverness, glory, grace and wit. His power comes from Queen Titania. He guards and protects the Summer Court and forests. He is an extension of Queen Titania’s will and does any task that she may not have time for.
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