Tarvin Dur

High in the mountains, where the air is crisp, dry, and often chilly, lies the dwarven town of Tarvin Dur. The town is a bustling hub of trade, thanks to its strategic location along a trade route used by Dwarves, Greeks, Emerald Folk, and Norse. The town's shops and markets are filled with a variety of goods from all over the world, and the inns and taverns are always lively with travelers from all walks of life.   Although Tarvin Dur is controlled by the Dwarven Imperial Alliance, the influence of other cultures is evident in the town's architecture, cuisine, and customs. The town's buildings are a mix of Dwarven sturdiness and Greek grace, and the food is a blend of hearty Dwarven fare and western delicacies. The town's people are known for their hospitality and their love of a good story, and visitors are always welcome in Tarvin Dur.   Tarvin Dur is also a place of great natural beauty. The town is surrounded by towering mountains, lush forests, and sparkling lakes. The air is filled with the sound of birdsong, and the scenery is breathtaking. Whether you're looking for a place to trade, a place to rest, or a place to simply enjoy the beauty of nature, Tarvin Dur is the perfect destination.


90% Dwarves, 5% Norse, 3% Emerald Folk, and 2% Greek


Tarvin Dur is a city state under the umbrella of the Dwarven Imperial Alliance of Clans.  It is ruled by locally by the Kraghand clan but reports directcly to the King.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The West Ggate
Owning Organization


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