Tayanita Koda Of The White Eagle Clan

Born in the heartland of the Cherokee Nation, The Lost Mountain Isle, “Koda” was born into a life of doubt and struggle and cast out from the tribe, due to a forbidden relationship his mother had with a mysterious explorer that encountered the clan.   This explorer, a tall man of a clearly privileged background, traded secrets and skills with some of the elder Cherokee, and he was highly revered amongst the clan. Koda’s mother, Little Feather, began a secret romantic relationship with the mysterious man, but not long after, news of a great war in the Dawn Lands drew him away. Several moons later, Little Feather birthed a baby boy, who everyone knew did not belong to her husband, Red Feather.   Years later, after watching his clan from afar, and learning the ways of his people through secret meetings with his mother, and with Raining Thunder, their greatest warrior tribesman, Koda has become a formidable force, with all the knowledge of his people, as well as the knowledge left behind by his father.   He’s been able to adapt and overcome significant isolation and has fortified his spirit by using the sacred rituals of his people. His ability to communicate with the natural world, and stay in tune with his environment is nothing short of supernatural. A dedicated practitioner of unconventional combat and espionage, his knowledge and secretive nature allow for him to become essentially a shadow, able to move about, and carry out objectives that have changed the course of entire nations.   On a quest to discover who his father was, he carries the spirit of hope and goodness with him, and fiercely defends the vulnerable and the weak.   Skilled with a Bow and deadly with a sword, many men as well as many beasts, have been laid to rest by his precise application of deadly force. But don’t be fooled, ask Koda to harm a single innocent being, and you will quickly find yourself but a ghost to him, whether he leaves you in the literal form, or allows you to live, invisible to him unless you dare cross him.   This loyalty to the collective good, and respect of all which surrounds him, has led Koda to the doorstep of a Great Kingdom, one which has been infiltrated by corruption, and its people in need of a dramatic shift in leadership.   Never one to turn his back on anyone in need, Koda has vowed to fight this dark power, and help bring in a new era of peace and liberty.


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