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Charles Rush

Captain Charles Rush

Captain Charles Rush was an officer in the Argus Garrison, serving a full 15 years Rush had an immaculate record and was renowned for the loyalty he inspired in his soldiers. Having been trained at the Officer's Academy on Carthage he had often felt over qualified for his station as an officer with in the Garrison, yet never allowed that to effect his duties.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Career

Joining the Legion with his mandatory service at age 19, Rush was noted for his natural leadership skills and put on the fast track to officer. Transferred from the local garrison academy on Argus to the Elite Academy on Carthage, he trained for years honing his physical and metal skills. Once graduated from the Academy, he returned to Argus as a Captain stationed near his childhood home of in ____.

Joining the Separatists

Always more motivated to serve his home than the wider Empire, Rush found it hard to hear all the reports of pirate raids to shipping and other colonies in the Rim. He often felt as though his abilities were being wasted by the Empire, and as the Separatist movement grew he quietly found himself agreeing with them. Smart enough to not publicly endorse their position, Rush spoke rarely of it and only in private finding a small group of like minded individuals within the Argus Garrison. Around the time of the Battle of Persephone he began making moves to quietly organize the Separatists on Argus. In the aftermath of the Battle of Persephone he learned many lessons, namely that it would take Knights to face the Imperials in the field not just unorganized militia. Although cautious he began recruiting more actively from the Garrison.

Battle of Argus

While attempting to recruit another officer from the Garrison, he was discovered when the Officer refused to join. After a brief firefight the Officer escaped and reported Rush to their superior officer. Rush recognizing that this was a death sentence mobilized his supporters securing the space port, and the bases over looking the Capital of Argus. Waiting on evac transport they attempted to hold the city.


With the arrival of Imperial reinforcements it was clear escape was cut off, and Rush ordered his followers to make a final stand against the Imperials. Surrounded and out numbered Imperial forces quickly occupied the city and retook the bases from Rush's followers. Rush himself was captured, and then executed in the field by Captain First Class Jacob Reynolds.


Trained at the Legion Academy on Carthage.


Social Aptitude

A strong willed an charismatic leader, Captain Rush has a way of inspiring loyalty in those around him.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Captain, Argus Garrison.
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Killed during the Battle of Argus (1st).
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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