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Imperial Legion

The Imperial front line.


The forces of the Imperial Legion are split up into two main bodies. The first being Legion Garrison Corps, the security and peace keeping forces of the Empire. The Second being the Legion Assault Corps.

Legion Garrison Corps

The Garrison serves the role of a planetary defense forces, and making up the bulk of personnel with in the Legion. Each planet housed it's own detachment, mostly made up of locals the Garrison Forces tended to be fiercely loyal to their homeworlds. The size of the Garrison determined by population, with some variance for planets with above average rates of enlistment. Worlds like Capricorn, with the Academy saw massive garrison forces, while other worlds like Argus would have proportionately smaller garrisons.

Legion Assualt Corps

The Legion Assault Corps, is the branch attached and dedicated to the Imperial Navy. Seeing far more action than the Garrison, the Assault Corps is considered the more prestigious of the two branches. Deployed from the fleet the Assault Corps serves in boarding action, ship defense, and a quick response ground force.

Public Agenda

To provide and maintain security for all peoples on all worlds of the United Earth Alliance.



It was the 3rd World War that saw the first introduction of the Knights, it was their arrival on the battlefields that had caught the enemy unprepared and started sweeping victories across the outer fronts of the war. Given the moniker Knights by the peoples they liberated, it was their tactics, their weapons, and their armor made them look the part. Initially used only in the very limited numbers at first thought only to be local legends the Honorguard Knight. It wasn't until the start of the 4th World War that Knights as they had been officially dubbed made their full debut. Sweeping large tracts of land it was the efficacy of the Knights that turned the tide of the war. They showed what the infantry man of the next age would look like. Unfortunately for the Army of the newly found United Earth Administration(UEA) the needs of a growing Colonial Empire had changed the administrative priorities of the military way from large ground forces.

The importance now placed on the newly organized Imperial Navy saw the army relegated to basic guard duties and glorified Security Forces, however the needs of the Marines were only growing. Now outfitted with the armor and weapons of the Knights, the Marine Corps of the Imperial Navy were always moving and growing. Recognizing the logistical constraints of the independent branches, the Navy recognized the need for overhaul of the command structure. The Naval High Command along with the sitting High Commander retooled the UEA Marine Corps, and Army into one branch under the direct oversight of the Navy. With this the Imperial Legion was born. Although still logistically divided into two separate bodies: Imperial Legion Garrison Corps, tasked with the defense and peace keeping operations across Imperial worlds, and Imperial Legion Assault Corps. Legion Assault assigned to the Fleet. Now overseen by the same body outfitting, coordination, and sharing of information were now streamlined.

Early Deployments

The first deployments of the Legion looked nearly unrecognizable to the modern actions. The first few deployments saw Earth's Planetary Defense Force being sent via dedicated transport ships to deal with any issues that may have arisen on the many colonies across the solar system. With the low colonial populations of the Early Colonial Era, defense forces were small token organizations serving primarily as security forces, leaving the colonies vulnerable to militant organizations, or criminal elements. With the transport times being weeks, to months during the Early Colonial Era the short comings of this system were quickly illustrated. To compensate UEA instituted mandatory service to expand the standing forces on any given world, and maintaining an extended reserve period, so in the event of a local crisis the local commanders would have a large body of reserves to call up. This seemed to work as a stop gap as the Imperial Legion looked for more long lasting solutions.

Military, Marine Corps
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

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