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The next classification up from Corvette, the Frigate is a small but diverse class of ship with vessels ranging from 150 meters to 450 meters and serving a wide variety of combat roles. The first classification of ship designed primarily for ship to ship combat, each vessel is mounted with several missile batteries and anti-ship guns.

Model Variants

-Odysseus Class Light Frigate : Used primarily as flank and fleet support, the Odysseus lacks any main gun, but has several point defense cannons, as well as four missile batteries to engage other frigates or corvettes.

-Agamemnon Class Frigate: The first class of ship to have a main spinal mounted cannon, and is used to hunt larger classes of ship in packs to wear down their shields, creating openings for higher poundage vessels to disable them.

-Achilles Class Heavy Frigate: Housing the largest main gun of any frigate, the Achilles is designed to engage warships of higher poundage than itself. Capable of doing serious damage to any frigate with a single hit from the main battery or engaging a destroyer if need be.

-Perseus Class Escort Frigate: Larger than an Achilles Class, the Perseus houses twin mounted main guns. Beyond its substantial armament the Perseus is the smallest craft to carry internally docked strike craft.

-Ajax Class Ground Support Frigate: Capable of landing in atmosphere the Ajax is primarily geared toward facility ground invasion. Housing a larger than normal attachment of Knights and specialized weapons for orbital bombardment.

-Roc Escort Class Carrier: Although closer in size to a destroyer its lack of a main gun have led it to be still classified as a frigate, and is the smallest dedicated carrier fielded by the Imperial Navy.

-Spectre Class Interceptor: A stealth interceptor used by the ISI and Honorguard for covert missions.

-Hector Class Intercepter: Fast ship of its class the Hector is used to catch damaged or fleeing vessels, or to close distance and force larger ships to disengage before they can get proper target lock.

Articles under Frigate


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