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Valkyrie Class Flagship

Largest ship class of the Imperial Navy.

The largest model of ship ever produced for the Imperial Navy, and the only model of its class the Valkyrie is the ultimate show of Imperial power. The twin bow mounted main guns are capable of taking down capital ships in a single shot, and is armed with countless missile batteries and point defense weapons across her hull.

The Valkyrie serves as more than just a mainline warship, the Valkyrie is a command and control vessel for entire Fleet Corps, as such it is always home to a Master Fleet Admiral, however individually commanded by a Captain. Serving as more than just C&C for naval forces the Valkyrie also directs all ground forces during campaigns. Housing a full regiment of Knights and all accompanying hardware, the Valkyrie on its own is capable of sustaining ground action for an extended period.

Having been in service for nearly four hundred years, the Valkyrie Class has seen countless updates, and refits. Some have suggested that it may be nearing the end of its service life, however with no threat capable of challenging a Valkyrie it is unlikely to be phased out any time soon.

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6,000 Meters


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