Lordship of Thorns Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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Lordship of Thorns

The vale at the source of the River Candirac is populated largely by halflings who forms the city and region of Thornsvale, choosing to live a peaceful life in the fertile land. Mistrustful of the tall folk, the halflings are nonetheless happy to see traders arrive as they are off the beaten path for nearly all trade.   Despite their relaxed and peaceful nature, the perseverance of the halflings of the vale has been a bitter lesson for more than one goblin or orc raid as the men of Thornsvale swiftly form an effective fighting force, stubborn and aggressive in the defence of their homeland.   Forming a strong friendship with the dwarves of Citadel Althirf, the halflings happily trade with them and exchange many food items, especially ales and meads.
Geopolitical, Lordship
Neighboring Nations

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