Citadel Althirf Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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Citadel Althirf

The Dwarven Hold of Citadel Althirf is a stronghold in The Westlands, trading many finely crafted items and rare metals with the region.  The citadel is closed off to all outsiders however and nobody is allowed to visit.  Even dwarves returning from long travels are treated with suspicion until they are cleared by the clerics at the gate.   Suspicious by nature, however the dwarves of Citadel Althirf are the first to take up arms for the cause of liberty, with adventurers and even armies riding out from Citdel Althirf to challenge tyrants wherever found.


The dwarves of Citadel Althirf are extremely suspicious of outsiders, a product of their subjugation and slavery by the drow for 340 years.  Cambraine, the god of liberty is extremely important in Citadel Althirf's culture ever since their liberation in 4950.  Cambraines influence can be seen in Citadel Althirf's foreign policy of agressive military intervention against tyrants and the large amounts of adventurers that come from Citadel Althirf.  Ask any dwarf in an adventuring party where he's from and there is a fifty-fifty chance he will say Citadel Althirf.


First delved by Bandric Althirf in 2557 after finding rich deposits of ore, the mine attracted many other dwarves from Hunin's Hall and The Northwind Mountains to seek their fortune.  Within a few years a thriving subterranean town had developed, laying the groundwork for the mighty Citadel Althirf.   Over the centuries the hold expanded and strengthened.  By the time the Arkenian Empire arrived, Citadel Althirf was so well defended the aggressively expansionist emperor decided not to try and seize the hold.  Remarking that "No force may assail the gates of a dwarven hold, for the dead will only add weight to their gates."   In 4610 however the drow succeeded in seizing the fortress through subterfuge and the mass expenditure of slave soldiers.  For 340 years the cruel drow ruled over the dwarves of Citadel Althirf, forcing them to work the mines and forges for them, even forcing hundreds of the dwarves into the ranks of their slave armies to be used as fodder in their wars against external foes, and eachother.   In 4943 however Dagnan Steeljaw escaped and went on a quest to Hunins Hall and The Northwind Mountains for aid.  During his travells he came across several other dwarves who's  parents escaped the fall of Citadel Althirf and joined him in his quest.  As he traveled, Dagnan prayed every night to Cambraine for the liberation of his people and his home.  In 4950, he returned with an army of dwarves as a paladin of Cambraine.    However with the great gates at the surface closed an virtually unassailable, Dagnan Steeljaw re-entered the citadel while the surface force hid.  At the mercy of the cruelest of the drow he was subjected to tortures unimaginable, however with his entry the other adventurers who had traveled with him on his quest slipped in under magics of invisibility.  Refusing to submit to the tortures of the drow, Dagnan perished without giving away his friends.  As the subterranean force struck the lower halls, the adventurers struck swiftly, killing the gate guards and opening the gate for the hundreds of dwarves to rush in.  They defended the gatehouse in a last stand long enough for the army to enter the main halls and begin slaughtering every drow they found.  As the armies assailed the citadel the enslaved dwarves rose up and fell upon their tormentors.   Dagnan Steeljaw and his band have been enshrined with great statues and the Steeljaw Company is given to the elite first company of the army's best fighters.   Since the liberation of Citadel Althirf they have consistently committed troops to the cause of liberty wherever it may be found.  This has brought them on the brink of conflict with it's neighbours, however the fear and respect that the battle hardened dwarves of the Althirfan army comands has prevented wider conflict, for now.

Demography and Population

Population:  45,000 Dwarves


Citadel Althirf maintains a large professional veteran army of 1,500 dwarves, all trained and equipped to the highest standard with the majority of them having extensive experience fighting the drow.

Foreign Relations

Citadel Althirf actively pursue trading relationships with it's neighbors, however vehemently refuses to allow foreigners into the citadel, with all trade and embassies being located in the surface village outside the main gates of the city.   Their aggressive actions against tyrannical lords often see them in conflict with the other realms of The Westlands as their targeting of minor local lords draws their leige lords into the conflict, threatening wider war.

Agriculture & Industry

Like most dwarven realms, Citadel Althirf has perfected the system of mining, smelting and smithing to maximum efficiency.   Brewers work tirelessly to keep the citadel well supplied with ales and meads of all kinds.

Trade & Transport

Rare metals, crafted goods and enormous casks of ale are exchanged with the surrounding regions for vast quantities of food.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, City-state
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute

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