Oridrea Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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A mainly agricultural realm in the south of Riela, Oridrea is a warm and fertile land.  Occasionally skirmishing with it's neighbors of Solmarch and Harwain, Oridrea has only rarely had major conflict.  The kingdom is continually harrassed by creatures and Sultanate raiders from the Emanar desert who venture over the Sarqualia Mountains.   Attempting to catch up to Harwain in economic and naval power, Oridrea embarked upon a shipbuilding project with the intent to make a grab for colonies and trade routes.  However with the royal houses of Oridrea and Harwain expected to join, thus merging the kingdoms upon the marriage of the Crown Prince of Harwain to Princess Isolda of Oridrea.  It is expected that Archduke Vicente will contest Princess Isolda's claim to the crown and therefore the joining of the two realms.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Neighboring Nations

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