Harwain Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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A land of a warm climate with an exceedingly short winter (getting snow about once in every ten years) Harwain is becoming a rising naval power in the region after withdrawing from all lands west of the Faul River. Vassalizing Thalshen only twenty years ago after a naval blockade during a dispute over trade routes.   Harwain has been the primary provider of exotic goods to the mainland of Riela for the last half century since the kingdom began expanding it's naval power and embarking on exploratory voyages. The crown has begun establishing colonies and subjugating the indigenous populations on the islands off the south coast of Riela. Other nations have begun referring to the kingdom as an empire since it's vassalization of Thalshen and the completion of it's stranglehold over the sea trade in the region.  The upcoming planned marriage to join the Harwish and Oridrean royal houses is causing regional fears of an uncontested superpower in the south.


The people of Harwain have adjusted to the massive amount of goods flowing into the kingdom from it's holdings off the mainland. Seamanship has become big and shipwrights have become immensely wealthy in recent decades. Superstition and religion are cornerstones of Harwish culture with the pious people building more churches than any other country.   The number 6 is considered unlucky and therefore it is common to see an empty lot or other vacancy where the sixth in a series would be. Going so far as to ensure the sixth flotilla in their navy is entirely fictional and giving six coins is a grave insult (this extends to artificially adjusting prices of goods to prevent them from costing 6 of any denomination).

Demography and Population



Harwain's military power is centered in it's enormous naval power, protecting the trade and communication lines to it's burgeoning colonies.  The large royal army however is almost entirely engaged in suppressing the native populations of it's holdings off the mainland.  This leaves modest forces under the feudal lords to defend the realm against the neighboring kingdoms.


An exceptionally pious people, Harwain actively enforces church attendance of it's people. While not requiring devotion to any specific deity, the crown and church are close, with the church having great power in the royal court.

Foreign Relations

Harwain's aggressive economic policies have caused considerable friction with it's neighboring nations. As tensions rise along the border with Esleau, the closest competitor for naval power and sea trade in the region, Harwain is in the midst of a buildup of military power.   Previous conflicts with Tralonce have caused the border to be heavily guarded by both realms, however the important trade route of the River Calleon has prevented the hostility from becoming armed conflict as it is causing wealth to flow into both kingdoms.   The vassalization of Thalshen and the subjugation of the southern islands has resulted in skirmishes and minor rebellions in the off mainland holdings.  The expansionist policies along with the plans to join the Harwish and Oridrean royal houses is causing much concern for it's neighboring kingdoms who are engaging in talks for mutual defence in the event Harwain becomes a regional superpower.

Agriculture & Industry

Shipwrights are the industrial masters in Harwain. Building ships for the merchant fleet and navy, the production of ships never ceases under royal decree.  The logging of the Caresewood to supply the shipyards is constant.   Being a warm and fertile land with an almost year round growing season, Harwain is easily able to sustain it's population while also being able export many exotic foods and spices. Vineyards are common, as are distilleries famous for the distillation of the sugar cane Harwain has recently gained access to in their colonial endeavors.

Trade & Transport

The River Calleon and the South Everwaters link Harwain to the rest of Riela.
Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Major Exports
The export market is primarily in exotic fruits and spices found in the holdings off the mainland.
Major Imports
Harwain imports steel and quarried stone from Arenshold regularly.

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