The Forsaken Lands Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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The Forsaken Lands

Kor A'Dros was a prosperous land under the protection of the goddess Elerith. Through the entire Fourth Dawn, the realm experienced a perpetual summer, with prosperity, peace and unrivaled beauty.   This all changed with the events heralding the the Fifth Dawn as overnight the mighty and prosperous realm fell from the inside.   During the night of the events heralding the Fifth Dawn however it all came crashing down. The mausoleums and graveyards of every city saw the dead rise and attack the living, destroying the cities from within. In the capitol of Oad Neth every living person suddenly turned into an intelligent undead of some kind earning it the name Necropolis. As the refugees fled the undead hordes in the realm the snows began to fall on the land for the first time in 1,500 years. The divine power wielded by the clerics and paladins of Elerith was gone, the magical protections the land has enjoyed were also gone.   Overnight the great realm had fallen, seemingly abandoned by the gentle and loving goddess that had cared for it for so many years. The grieved refugees began calling it The Forsaken Lands.


In the main body of undead the low level intelligent undead control groups of mindless undead.  They then answer to the more powerful intelligent undead who answer to their superiors in a hierarchical chain to a mysterious being controlling them all.


First day of the new dawn, Elerith is murdered during the night, ending the realms divine protections. Due to unknown forces, the undead rise up and destroy Kor A'Dros. Many people who escape the cities freeze to death on the road to safety as they contend with the freezing temperatures and snow for the first time.  Over 200,000 refugees make it to House Ectritil, being pursued by undead hordes.   One month after the fall, the undead horde reaches House Ecritil and is defeated at the Battle of Syrdarr's Grief. The deity Syrdarr intervenes in the world. The morning after the battle the battlefield is covered in poppies and holy flames light an enormous pile of the dead who fell on both sides during the battle. The poppies become known as "The Tears of Syrdarr" as the pile of the dead becomes known as "The Landspyre" the holy flames not consuming the pile of the dead, but not extinguishing either.   This region becomes impossible for the undead to pass through due to Syrdarr's intervention, making it extremely difficult to attack House Ecritil as the narrow mountain passes become the only remaining path available.


The hordes of mindless undead are controlled in groups by the intelligent undead, all answering to a mysterious head of them all.   Numbering almost a million in pure numbers, the recently turned undead military structure is still learning how to effectively use the strengths and weaknesses of an entirely undead army. This lack of experience in their new forms led to the defeat of the undead army in their first actual battle against House Ecritil at the Battle of Syrdarr's Grief.   In addition the elite First Legion was garrisoned in Oad Neth the night of the New Dawn. The entire legion of 10,000 troops turned to intelligent undead.

Agriculture & Industry

Once vast fields of crops and famous vineyards now lay wilted and dead under snows and frigid northern weather.  The forges have fallen as cold as the ones who tended them and unnatural stillness reigns in the land.


The cities of Kor A'Dros still stand as walls and fortifications, however the snows that have fallen of the flat roofs of the houses have caved in most of the residences in the country.   Small keeps and castles remain standing along with the fortified manor houses and any palaces in the cities. As well, any houses still occupied by the intelligent undead are still standing as they will have been maintaining the structures and shoveling the snow off their roofs.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Kor A'Dros
Predecessor Organization
Neighboring Nations

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